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yeah... that list was just marvel crap i was throwing out... toss in all the DC crap and there ain't enough hours in the day to watch it all!!

i was pleasantly surprised with legion... it was odd and quirky... and kept my attention thru the whole thing.

Legion was surprisingly good.


I'm spending the day going through stuff at the house, deciding what to keep and sell, and going to the storage unit. I've decided that I'm no longer a collector. I've graduated to 100% hoarder.
I legitimately have a problem. Every time I open a new box I can't believe what I find in it. I have stuff that I bought years ago with the intention to sell and didn't. I have more boxes filled with stuff I'll never have room to display. I could open a toy store and fill it. :lol
same boat...
i laugh, but at the same time, i feel like an idiot finding stuff i bought and don't even remember doing it! lol :lol
I'm surprised to see how deep Medicom is going into their Mafex Dark Knight line. Guess they are doing a Police Officer Joker now.

While it is Joker, I'm not sure if I can really see this selling because it's just a scarred head on a Police Officer body.

I'm surprised to see how deep Medicom is going into their Mafex Dark Knight line. Guess they are doing a Police Officer Joker now.

While it is Joker, I'm not sure if I can really see this selling because it's just a scarred head on a Police Officer body.

In other related news I guess the Figuarts Ledger Joker is out now and it looks just as bad as the prototype did to me.
Yup the punisher looks like it"ll be worth the watch! There have been some good video game flicks... resident evil, mortal kombat, war craft, etc... but typically I'll wait for DVD or bluray most times.

Resident Evil 5/10
Mortal Combat 5/10
Warcraft 3/10

Not really a stellar effort for video games....all those games are much better than the films....

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I'm surprised to see how deep Medicom is going into their Mafex Dark Knight line. Guess they are doing a Police Officer Joker now.

While it is Joker, I'm not sure if I can really see this selling because it's just a scarred head on a Police Officer body.


I never got into the Mafex figures, but they must be selling ok if they're making that version of the Joker.
There are a ton of comic book shows now. Unfortunately, a lot of them are only made to milk the current popularity and aren't good. I stopped watching Agents of SHIELD, Arrow, Flash, and Supergirl because they either sucked from the beginning or started to suck. The Netflix shows are hit and miss. I'll give Krypton a shot but have zero expectations for it. Gifted might be good. Gotham has gotten much better. It'll be interesting to see what DC does with their Teen Titans show.

I agree –*Agents of Shield I made a couple of episodes into season 2... dull as dishwater!!! Arrow started OKish, but it's obvious the creators wanted to really make a Batman show, and have tried to make GA into Batman - totally getting his character wrong... add to that the terrible way they've handled Black Canary!!!
Flash was ok from the start, but even that has lost my interest... wish they'd give him a bloody proper suit, and make it actually red!!!
Of the Marvel netflix, i've only seen Daredevil, which I really liked (season 1), and it had... and still has... the best MCU villain by far in Kingpin!

Krypton i'll give a shot – loved the MoS opening scenes on Krypton, so if they capture that it could be good... Not sure why HBO are doing Watchmen though, as the Snyder movie is superb!
I'll watch the Watchmen series just to see what they do with it, but I don't think it's necessary since I liked the film. Snyder is good when he has everything laid out for him like 300 and Watchmen. The changed ending in the film didn't really bother me since I always thought the giant squid alien was a bit out there.
still waiting for my sewersquad batman to ship... charged 4 days ago and still nada from sideshow... with another lovely $21 shipping charge!!! :gah:
DC movie news:

Lex Luthor has been cut from Justice League completely. :rock

Wonder Woman will be in Flash's Flashpoint movie -- because now she has to be in everything.

The Scorsese Joker movie script will be turned in soon so it looks like it's getting fast-tracked.
still waiting for my sewersquad batman to ship... charged 4 days ago and still nada from sideshow... with another lovely $21 shipping charge!!! :gah:

Sideshow has really gotten hit and miss at shipping stuff out on the day they charge your card. There have been several figures/statues lately that have been shipped well after they took payment.
Sideshow has really gotten hit and miss at shipping stuff out on the day they charge your card. There have been several figures/statues lately that have been shipped well after they took payment.

guess they're new excuse is things getting stuck at some dock... which is bs honestly as this isn't some crazy surprise for them... they know where their shipment is and when it going to be in their hands... they really shouldn't be billing people without having product ready to ship in my opinion.
guess they're new excuse is things getting stuck at some dock... which is bs honestly as this isn't some crazy surprise for them... they know where their shipment is and when it going to be in their hands... they really shouldn't be billing people without having product ready to ship in my opinion.

I agree. Pisses me off when they're quick to take money out, but if there's a problem with statue it can take a week or two to get a return label.
should have your rifles on the way tomorrow just fyi...
and your other goodies!

dam humidity has been brutal and taking forever for paint to cure on them!