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I aim to please!

Pro Design did a great job on the rifles. I kept looking at the figure with them yesterday with a big smile on my face. They're so much better than the giant thing that came with it.
thx man i really appreciate it!

it is really amazing tho how much better that figure is w/ rifles! it looks so much more menacing to me!
I don't know how I've missed this, but Tom Welling is going to be on the next season of Lucifer. :rock I can forgive the show for not being closer to the comic because I love the guy that plays Lucifer--and every now and then they do some bad ass **** like this that nails part of the comic.


I'm mainly just excited to see Tom Welling do anything again after Smallville.
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“ September 28th, daylight. The monsters have overtaken the city. Somehow, I'm still alive...”

Then tomorrow is my birthday which RE2 takes place.


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Ugh. The Avatar sequel just killed any small desire I might have had to see it...imagine all the bland predictability of Avatar's story then throw a bunch of ****ing kids in there to not give a **** about. I give you the new cast members of Avatar 2.

Ugh. The Avatar sequel just killed any small desire I might have had to see it...imagine all the bland predictability of Avatar's story then throw a bunch of ****ing kids in there to not give a **** about. I give you the new cast members of Avatar 2.


Yep, this instantly killed any curiosity I might have had about the film. You were meant to save us from this kind of thing Jim, not reinforce it :monkey4

In other news, the Molecule8 debacle rolls onwards. They promised pictures of the final Lennon would be up yesterday with the figure shipping out for October, and somehow failed to deliver. On photographs. Of a figure they've already been working on for months.
Yeah I really don't care for Avatar. I didn't think the first one was anything special. I also didn't see it until like 2015 or something though because I didn't really care to watch it. Very bland and kind of boring honestly.

I don't think the massive success of the original can be replicated; not even close. It's had no cultural impact.

Also speaking of James Cameron, Terminator 6 is going to be a sequel to T2 and the other films are going to be alternative timelines. Which is funny because I though they said this about all the other sequels.
yup... same! along with ghost rider, dare devil, punsher, SS batman... oiyyyy wifey is gonna be pissed! :lol

Holy ****--that's a lot at once. I've been getting a couple things a week for a few weeks so at least they've been spread out a bit. It's a pain in the ass when everything gets delayed for months and half a dozen pieces all ship out the same week. I'm getting the Huntress PF and Black Canary print today. Still haven't gotten a $20 code so I guess they really are done with them.
Yeah I really don't care for Avatar. I didn't think the first one was anything special. I also didn't see it until like 2015 or something though because I didn't really care to watch it. Very bland and kind of boring honestly.

I don't think the massive success of the original can be replicated; not even close. It's had no cultural impact.

Also speaking of James Cameron, Terminator 6 is going to be a sequel to T2 and the other films are going to be alternative timelines. Which is funny because I though they said this about all the other sequels.

The original Avatar is an entertaining enough film, but the story has been done to death... it's pretty much the Last Samurai but with big blue aliens! The success of it came from successful marketing of the ground-breaking graphics!

As for the Terminator franchise... well less said about that the better!!!
All I got out of Avatar was that it was "pretty". The story was too predictable to enjoy and didn't leave me with any desire to see more films. With as long as it's taking to get more of them made, I'm confident that they're just focusing on effects instead of making the story stronger. I'm sure the underwater scenes he has planned are going to be gorgeous, but if the story is **** then you've lost me.
Is it blasphamy for me to say that the CGI and special effects in Avatar aren't even that special or great?

If there's way too much CGI it just looks fake, no matter how good it looks. I go see movies to be immersed in them, not just sit back and go "oh that looks nice."
Is it blasphamy for me to say that the CGI and special effects in Avatar aren't even that special or great?

If there's way too much CGI it just looks fake, no matter how good it looks. I go see movies to be immersed in them, not just sit back and go "oh that looks nice."

:lol That was me watching it—“oh, that looks nice” then I got used to the look and was just bored.