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Here’s a quick pic. I need to double check that it’s level and sitting at the correct angle. As soon as I play enough to get the feel of it back, I’m breaking records on this mother ****er.

That's great :lol

I always thought that would be a cool thing to have in your house. I've only known one person that had multiple pinball machines in their basement. It was basically a mini arcade.
That’s a nice machine Zod....

How long will you be in the dog house for that?

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My wife gives me a lot of leeway when it comes to all my stuff. She has her moments when I have **** everywhere, but overall she’s unbelievably cool about my collecting. I think she figures that putting up with the machine is better than putting up with me pouting about not having it. :lol
Note to self: too much pinball can aggravate back problems. I'm going to have to ease back into playing for long stretches. :lol My back is on fire from standing for too long. #oldmanproblems #pinballdidntusedtohurt
Note to self: too much pinball can aggravate back problems. I'm going to have to ease back into playing for long stretches. :lol My back is on fire from standing for too long. #oldmanproblems #pinballdidntusedtohurt

As a former pinball wizard....the word your looking for is Stool......

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My wife is trying to get me to use one. I just always play standing up. It’ll probably only be a matter of time before I give in though.
Dayum, that thing is beautiful! Just remember to take healthy cigarette breaks in between, Zod!
My wife is trying to get me to use one. I just always play standing up. It’ll probably only be a matter of time before I give in though.

Well my guess is your standing for 12 at work also....

So get that stool , or better shoes....

Or the booze...

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Luckily, I'm not stuck standing all day at work. I'm in my office for quite a bit then out in the trenches here and there throughout the day. My back's just gotten to where I can't stand for an hour or two long without it starting to hurt.

On a hilarious pinball note: my wife played it for about half an hour last night. Every time the ball went through the middle of the flippers I heard her say "****, it went down the pooper," and then assorted cussing while she played. Also, I heard her say "Shut the **** up, Data" a couple times. :lol :lol It's scary how much we're alike in some respects.
Oh, I emailed Hot Toys through their comment option on their website. I asked them if they were going to make more Superman and Superman II figures--gave them examples of what I liked and what I hoped for. This was their response:


Thanks for interest Hot Toys products.

Please keep visiting our official website and Facebook page to get our most updated news!

Best regards,

VC/ Hot Toys

Why don't you go **** yourself HT? Not that I'm expecting insider news or anything, but they could at least give me a solid "no" or "we're working on it".
He's an ******* in the game. When you lose a ball he says, "Had you projected the ball on the proper trajectory, you would have been rewarded." :lol
It pisses me off that they don't go deeper into the Superman movie line. I want a v2 Reeve Superman, Lex Luthor, Clark Kent, Jor-El in his black robe, Zod, Ursa, Non--hell, I'd even buy crazy ass Margot Kidder Lois and dumb ass Otis.
I know. Why bother with a comment option at all if they're just going to cut and paste a ******** response to every question? ****ing stupid.