Freaked Out
Oh man. The sculpt is great!
I hope it has a decent paint job, something SS fails sometimes.
I hope it has a decent paint job, something SS fails sometimes.
Oh man. The sculpt is great!
I hope it has a decent paint job, something SS fails sometimes.
I don't know how you guys can compare this piece to HT's figures. The sheer size of this piece, plus the detail is >>>>>>>>> anything HT's.
Agreed Vorhees. It's like comparing apples to oranges. The way HT keeps re releasing their figures, why anyone invests in them at market prices is beyond me.
Probably the same reason peeps invest at market prices on open ES statues like Big G & the Hulk maquette. They like the pieces and have the money to spend.
But hot toys are so small and puny.
But hot toys are so small and puny.
LOL! I have never understood HT's appeal. I would NEVER spend the kind of money these pieces retail for on a toy. Any toy. But, that's just my opinion. We like what we like.
the 1/4 t800 endo statue is pretty nice, i would paid $400 for it if they didnt have that ______ retarded peg stick holding up his crotch...
yeah but is it work 650??? cmon 650???
nope, it's not, that's why I paid $580 shipped for mine.