Now for the good! Or should I say great!! This statue as so many have already said is amazing. The detail, the paint apps (minus the teeth

), the pose, the overall size and mass. All of it is amazing!!
Like all the statues I get from SS, I am always a tad dissapointed when I first open the box. It's from seeing all the photos and all the hype. I get them and it's like I am not really seeing anything new. I then start to fall in love after I have it set up in my room and start to see the art of the whole thing. I never got Hulk to my room before I fell in Love. I opened it. Set him up. Said "Yep everyone was right he looks good" Then I put the box away looked at him again and then "BAM!" He looked amazing.
Oh and I am here to say as the original OCD guy who pointed out the issues with the eyebrows, It's just like everyone has said. There is No issue with him in hand!!! It's sort of funny how much it sticks out in photos but not in person. I have no problem with the brows at all. Believe me, if there was an issue I would be going nuts right now.
What I like Most - 1. The Size and Pose. Hulk just looks so massive and Bad A$$ ! 2. His Face sculpt. I love it. All I see is a perfect realistic version of The Hulk! I don't see a Mark Ruffalo Hulk at all. I mean yes it's there but there is no reason to think this is just a movie hulk. 3. His back!! It is just an awesone sculpt. So huge!!!
What I like Least - Not counting the teeth. 1. His weight. I usually don't complain about this but some heft woould just make it feel and look (In My mind) more massive. Yeah I know. 2. His feet are not the best. The toes all blend together and look a bit to Statue like.
Anyways on with the photos.