Prod Blog:
Sideshow panel rocks the Con!
Posted on Thursday, July 26th, 2007 at 7:35 pm
The first official Sideshow Collectibles panel was a complete success, featuring Brant Bridges (Operations Manager), Quoc Ha (Graphic Arts Manager), Jared Chapman (3-D Creative Coordinator), Scott Klauder (Production Manager), Heath Hammond (3-D Creative Manager), Mat Falls (VP of 3-D Design), and Tom Gilliland (Creative Director) talking a little bit about the creative process of bringing Sideshow’s collectibles to life, and ending with some excellent answers to some equally as excellent questions.
In the course of the talk, the guys managed to sneak in a few peeks at upcoming products, including a very cool tease for our upcoming Star Wars 12-inch 2 pack. Could it be Palpatine and Sidious, as some have reported? Who knows! All we can officially confirm is that you will find out very soon! (yeah, yeah, we do like to tease) Con attendees also got a peek at the rough head sculpt for our very first Indiana Jones 12-inch figure! We promise to show it to our web audience in the Production Blog soon, along with unpainted pics of our next LOTR and Star Wars dioramas (Eagles VS Fell Beast and Dooku VS Yoda)! Stay tuned for Larry Curtis’ panel wrap up article, to be posted soon. [Comic-Con Articles]
If you have any questions for our Production and Creative Teams, feel free to submit them to our Ask Sideshow Form, and we will try to pin them down after the show is over to get the answers! [Fill Out the Form]
So who the heck is it?