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MAN that's one sweet custom figure!!!!! the outfit rocks and the paint work is great!

you know, on a side note, I always thought the original Kenner Indy/Han doll was a fair likeness....honestly! :D

Great work guys but can any of them really beat this?:rotfl


Found him in my parents attic yesterday. Along with the Well of Souls playset.

Yes I'm excited.

His collar isn't right. . . .

Hilarious!! Thanks a bunch guys, means a lot. This was a figure I have wanted to make for a looong time but was too scared to do it. It really does feel good to finally make it and to have an Indy on my shelf. :rock
That's the same thing I've said about mine Josh. I had wanted the old Raiders Kenner Indy 12" figure from since it was released. I remember seeing it at a local Target store and begging my Mom to get it for me when it was a measly $10.00. She didn't, and I never got around to getting it. So, when I finally had the chance to make my own (with Mary Lacour's help), I did it. I am thrilled to finally have my own Indy to proudly display and enjoy. I will still get Sideshow's Indy(s) when they're released...but will still always love the one that I made! :D
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Thanks guys.... Tonight after much other work I finally finished the Indy... Removed the Zipper, weathered the jacket and Hat, touched up the lips and made a quick base for him... Check it out!


NICE! Good improvement without the zipper -- scale's a lot better! Perfect now.

And I'm always glad to see another kitchen. :)
Awesome work DA. The zipper-less jacket looks much better. I might do that with mine. I really like what you've done to his chest, too. Very manly.:lol
Is this Custom Indy party open to old timers like me? Like this old, old, old thing?


I made him so long ago (ten years or more, with some addons in the meantime...), that the methods for making him now are so much better, and the accuracy of parts available are so much more on top of things, that I feel I need to revamp this old guy.


Josh, LISTEN TO Mr. FUSION! That kid knows his stuff! That belt, get one! And his brother Ben can make rocking holsters! Especially for the Last Crusade Indy! The darker one. Ben does EXCELLENT work! His Marion outfit is too good! Like you said, it inspires!

But yeah, I need to completely redo my own's belts, holster (Yes MrF, I have Ben's belt...I need to get to it and get it on him soon now...), and get those Newline shoes you guys keep speaking of. (any links?) These on mine are repainted plastic ones, and I am very proud of them, but I can always use some upgrades before upgrades go out of style.
I mean, when Sideshow's figures show up, and we get Trevor's headsculpts, these will be OLD NEWS! The days of customizing Indy will slow to a trickle. End of an era. :monkey2

But a good end! :D I am happy for all you who simply haven't had one before now, that will be able to get one at long last. (Great job on your's too Mike! Love your accessories too! Those stones look perfect!)

Anyway, I am glad to have a custom one to add to the mix as well!


And again, to DA Josh, I am VERY proud of you for your's, man! You just kicked it's butt! Seriously! That is a BEAUTIFUL job! Just marvelous!
Astounding really. :rock
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That is still a GREAT custom Indy there Les! I know we all struggled over the years to make decent Indys for ourselves. With Sideshow's on the way, and the advancements now is casting and creating head sculpts and accessories I'm sure....or at least I am hoping....that it will rock. If they do it right. If they get Ford's likeness down, and include the correct accessories and clothing. I think all of us can be proud of the custom Indys we've made. :D
Bad ass Les!! Always great to see that Indy, the one that inspired me to get off my butt and make my own! Really is a sweet figure, especially considering the time and how hard it was to locate any accurate gear! Still one of my most favorite out of your collection, Simply fantastic!

And also, I sent you a PM regarding the boots and stuff... :rock
Bad ass Les!! Always great to see that Indy, the one that inspired me to get off my butt and make my own! Really is a sweet figure, especially considering the time and how hard it was to locate any accurate gear! Still one of my most favorite out of your collection, Simply fantastic!

And also, I sent you a PM regarding the boots and stuff... :rock

Well good sir, you sure as hell rose to the occasion with your Indy, I'll tell ya!
Proud? I am beyond proud of you.
Within just a couple of personal customs, you have made a precision Indy. That speaks volumes for your skills.

I salute you! :duff
Some of my INDY-related SDCC pics:

The Ark on display in the Hasbro booth:

Hasbro INDY figures:





Gentle Giant protos:


Fans in costume:

Very cool! I know I almost went that route myself but held back once SSC announced the license. It really looks nice, close to what I would have done.
As for that Hasbro stuff... if that one is a 12"er, the head and hat look great!
Not sure about the rest...
MAN that's one sweet custom figure!!!!! the outfit rocks and the paint work is great!

you know, on a side note, I always thought the original Kenner Indy/Han doll was a fair likeness....honestly! :D


Trevor, I got a question, any chance we'll see some extra sculpted gloved hands come with Indy? He wore them in the first film.
Personally I'd rather a fist and gesturing extra hands rather than gloved ones.
I'm a huge fan of the gloved look, so I certainly hope so! my job doesn't entail making either the hands or boots (well, it hasn't yet, anyway) it's more efficient to have other artists do those things.

but yeah, I certainly hope we see some gloves! I'm just as excited as you guys are to see this one come together!
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