The Indy Premium Format IMAGE Thread

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Re: Afraid to order Indiana PF,I need one BAD !!!

Mine isn't dark at all. The Indy PF is 500% awesome. :whip
Re: Afraid to order Indiana PF,I need one BAD !!!

This thread is pointless, buy it or don't. It's awesome and not that dark.

Agreed. Let's leave the discussion of the PF in the PF thread.

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Re: Afraid to order Indiana PF,I need one BAD !!!

No, it's not perfect but you really can't be without it. You really can't.
I picked this up yesterday at my comic book store, 9 of 3000. I love this PF. It is a great work of art.
What is the regular going for on the secondary market now? I am thinking about getting one for my brother if I can get it a decent price.
Undecided about getting a Indi PF !!!

Well SS stated that they will continue with the Indiana Jones Line,my problem is the 1st PF has the dark tone flaw,like Forest used to say" You never know what you going to get"

The KOTCS doesn't look good in my opinion with the looking old Indiana.

So should I wait for the next Indaina PF or take a change and get the Raiders ?

Opinions please
Re: Undecided about getting a Indi PF !!!

Get it, it rocks socks. Mine is dark but not as bad as others I have seen. Might get it repainted some day but the statue rocks so much.
Re: Undecided about getting a Indi PF !!!

I think the Raiders PF is really awesome despite the darker pain and the greenish jacket. But if you think you may be unhappy with it, it may be better to wait until a TOD or TLC Indy. TOD should be a pretty awesome PF, and if they do him with the torn sleeve and machete I think that is nearly as iconic as the Raiders PF.
Re: Undecided about getting a Indi PF !!!

Well SS stated that they will continue with the Indiana Jones Line,my problem is the 1st PF has the dark tone flaw,like Forest used to say" You never know what you going to get"

The KOTCS doesn't look good in my opinion with the looking old Indiana.

So should I wait for the next Indaina PF or take a change and get the Raiders ?

Opinions please

Merged... Again.

Webb, you don't need a separate thread to discuss the PF-- check out this MASSIVE thread and seek answers here.

I just got one from a board member and was very happy with him in person... didn't seem to dark at all. Sure, looks better with a repaint, but everything does :lol
hey guys, i FINALLY got myself a photobucket account and just thought i'd test it out by (re)posting some old pics of my indy pf.... :D







