The Indy Premium Format IMAGE Thread

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It has to be the best sculpt out there of him thus far don't see why not. Unless of course there 1:1 trumps it.

Harrison-"This is the best sculpt! I am glad I signed on this Cinemamaquette piece."

Agent-"Sir this isn't the Cinemaqutte."

Harrison-"What is is it then?"

Agent-"Its the Premium Format from Sideshow Collectables"


Agent-"Yes sir, here's is a picture of the Cinemaquette..."

Harrison- faints....

Apologies in advance for thos who do do own the CM, no offense meant, just joking based on my opinion. :)
Can anyone tell me what the best glue is to patch up the holster for the PF? Others have pointed out the back of the holster tends to come apart, and mine is having that problem now.
I used standard Crazy Glue on mine and it worked like a charm. Just don't put on a lot or it will bleed out the sides when you stick the pieces together.
Thanks, that's what I was going to try, but I wanted to make sure it didn't damage the leather or anything first.
Quick question: Is the head removable on the regular version like the one on the exclusive version?
a couple more images...for the image thread.

I wonder if Sideshow got one of these PF's to the man himself, and if so what he thought of it?

I can almost guarentee you he would find it really creepy and wouldn't want it.

He hates anything collectible related, especially if its a toy or something of him. Check out some of the late night interviews where they ask him if he ever kept anything from Star Wars or Indiana Jones. "No... I don't want that crap in my house."
Well, to be fair if you're thinking about the time he was on Conan O'Brien, they were obviously playing up that aspect to be funny. I know for a fact that he owns an MR Millennium Falcon (it's in his airplane hanger, if I recall).

But yeah, I don't think he's big into memorabilia of any kind, and I find it hard to believe that he would really care about the Cinemaquette or the PF.
That was for his kid who requested them, and from what I understand, he even bought and payed for it.

Though it would be funny to see him running around his house playing with that whip with his son.

You think he had to goto 3 differant Walmarts to get the Temple of Doom figure wave? :lol

Well, to be fair if you're thinking about the time he was on Conan O'Brien, they were obviously playing up that aspect to be funny. I know for a fact that he owns an MR Millennium Falcon (it's in his airplane hanger, if I recall).

But yeah, I don't think he's big into memorabilia of any kind, and I find it hard to believe that he would really care about the Cinemaquette or the PF.

Yea thats a quote from the Conan segment which is hilarious. And I'm sure was done on purpose but I've seen other interviews as well with the same question and pretty much the same response.
Yeah, I still want one someday. The exclusive one with the extra head without the hat on. So, I'm always searching too....:D
Just received my exclusive last week. Some collectibles go on the shelf, and that's that. This one... I can't stop looking at it.:love





It's funny... my Father, who never pays attention to any of this stuff, took notice of this one and remarked, "You know, that's the only Indiana Jones you have that actually looks like Indiana Jones!":rotfl

(Ironically, he made a similar remark about my PF Luke Skywalker a few years ago.)
Congrats... its a great piece. Really surprised by how cheap he seems to be selling (and not selling) for.
Congrats... its a great piece. Really surprised by how cheap he seems to be selling (and not selling) for.

Tell me about it...I've been trying to sell my regular on here for a lil over two weeks now and no one is biting, not even any interest :(
Tell me about it...I've been trying to sell my regular on here for a lil over two weeks now and no one is biting, not even any interest :(

I have learned people around here for the most part expect ridiculous prices. Put that ^^^^ on ebay and it will sell. :duff
I have learned people around here for the most part expect ridiculous prices. Put that ^^^^ on ebay and it will sell. :duff

yeah I dunno, never used it and Ive heard so many bad stories involving Ebay...So I have to think about it..In the mean time, I have one if anyone is interested :)