Super Freak
Another thread?!?
What thead, so i can be there.
Another thread?!?
We need an "I Was Ambivalent About Indy IV" thread.
OK I finally got the chance to go see it and I don't see what all the hubbub is about? I liked it. As a life long Indy fan I went into it expecting an Indy movie and that's what I got. I think anyone with any common sense knew that it wasn't gonna be Raiders and Ford isn't 37 anymore so those changes were a given going in. If anything negative I agree the MaGuffin in this one was weak and the sci fi aspect was also not a fav. The fact that I always viewed the Indy films and stunts actually possible and survivable, except some in Temple and alot in this one. It was definately an Indy film, and the search for the film was actually a search for what Indy had recently lost and found again at the end, not the skull. I liked it and as I rewatch it I think I'll come to love it like the others. Everyone seems to be concentrating on what was wrong in the movie instead of so much of what was done right.
I saw it again today, and I must say I liked it more than the first time. The people calling it a total turd are being way too picky. Sure, there are some aspects that aren't ideal, but there's a lot of cool stuff in there.
I should also mention that the audience I saw it with seemed to enjoy it quite a bit. I think average audiences will like the film fine (which is why I'm not too worried about how it will do at the box office). It's the hardcore Indy fans that might see it as a being somehow offensive to their sensibilities. I can understand that to some extent, but I think you just need to accept it for what it is -- a pretty cool adventure starring Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones. I mean, that should be enough. We haven't had an Indy film for 19 years! Don't get caught up in the fact that it's not Raiders.
I'm definitely overjoyed to be wrong in my first impression of this movie. it's really great fun upon another viewing.
I'm ready to see it again. gotta eat up the theater experience as long as it's available.
I'm definitely overjoyed to be wrong in my first impression of this movie. it's really great fun upon another viewing.
I'm ready to see it again. gotta eat up the theater experience as long as it's available.
Have fun down in Florida! Be sure to visit Once Upon A Toy at Downtown Disney. Lots of exclusive and hard-to-find Indy and SW stuff there... and usually cheaper than in the parks.
And I think you'll like and enjoy the movie much more the second time around.
There are just so many bad moments and no good ones.
Time will not be kind to this film.
I saw it again as I promised some friends I would go. There are just so many bad moments and no good ones. It really made me remember just how great the other films are.
This film was a mess. Some parts felt like a bad sit com. Hell the quick sand scene even looked like a bad sit com stage.
Marion jumping the truck over the cliff and landing on the tree on purpose was just so stupid I wanted to puke and then he smile she gives Indy after the fact made me sick.
Swining nn vines - What the Hell???
FBI agents that never show up again - Thanks for wasting my time.
Spielberg's PC never allows Indy to fire a gun. Should of gave Indy a walkie Talkie on his belt instead of a holster.
Indy never does anything. Pretty much watches Mutt do it all.
I could go on.
I hated the Mummy films and this was a poor copy.