The "I've Seen Indy IV" Thread (No Spoilers Please)

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I posted this in another of the million review threads, but here are my thoughts...

I finally saw this last night and I really enjoyed it, Harrison still has that old Indy charm. I liked Mutt's character a lot more than I thought I would and was really happy with Marion coming back. I really enjoyed the story too, at first the movie felt like something foreign to me, but as it progressed it fell right back into everything I know as being Indiana Jones. I won't go as far as to say that this is my favorite Indy movie -that distinction goes to Raiders- but it certainly (to me at least) fits in well the other three. I can't wait for number five and to have this on Blu-Ray.
Anyone else find Cate Blanchett attractive as Spalko?

For some reason, I did...

I guess I have a thing for women in uniforms...or with swords...or in leather...
It's hard to imagine Cate Blanchett being unattractive any role. But I'll have to say that this was not exactly her strongest role. She wasn't scary at all, and by that I mean that she didn't seem to have any real menace to her. That's kind of a problem for the main villain, although she did have her henchman to pick up some of the slack in that regard.
I was talking with my Dad about this seeing as how see saw a lot of 50's B-Style movies growing up. I said I thought based on the ones I saw the villains where always kind of campy/a little scary and she went this route. Dad agreed to a point.
She's still not as good as Ilsa Schneider...if that's how you spell it...

I ALSO have a thing for Austrian women...;)