I'm hesitant. The critics are already tearing into the film; Some good, some not so good.
These are the types of movies where a professional film critic's word is about as useful as an umbrella in a hurricane.
I'm hesitant. The critics are already tearing into the film; Some good, some not so good.
These are the types of movies where a professional film critic's word is about as useful as an umbrella in a hurricane.
That's not funny! Now you made the monkeys cry...I can't believe Indy dies at the end ... :eek :eek :eek
What do you mean? That's not true at all. I was more than critical of SW prequels... and I've made it pretty well known how flawed I think THE LAST CRUSADE is.I eagerly await your review Irish, but something tells me you won't be particularly impartial.
Longtime fan is right, in fact this very year I turned the age Indy was in Raiders 37. Personally from the early reviews I've read, and the bits I've gleened off the Indiana Jones Journal and Ultimate Guide, I think I'll like it. Hell, I'll probably have goosebumps just seeing Ford and Allen on the screen with the Raiders March playing once again. We'll see, unfortunately I have to work nights Wed and Thurs so I won't be able to catch it until the weekend. I was really hoping to catch a midnight show Wed.
37? You've got a whole year on me, old-timer!
A slick, fun film that has by no means sacrificed the fast action beats of the first three.
What do you mean? That's not true at all. I was more than critical of SW prequels... and I've made it pretty well known how flawed I think THE LAST CRUSADE is.
In fact, TLC is my bellweather as a successful/passable INDY film. I'll have to think KOTCS is at least on par with that to not consider it a disappointment, especially after the 19 year wait.
This is a big reason why I will avoid all other opinions until I have seen the movie myself multiple times and fully digested it. I want to form my own opinion without any influence from expectations or buzz (positive or negative) whatsoever.
I'm completely on the fence at the moment... this movie can go either way. But I DO trust in Spielberg.
That said, I'm looking forward to how you, Murderofcrows71, Wor-Gar, Josh and other longtime INDY fans react to the movie as well.
I doubt we'll have a consensus opinion on the flick. But if we did, that would say a lot.