Who eats Gray Aliens?
Who eats Gray Aliens?
That is true...but I also agree that eating healthy can make a big difference in a person's health over a steady diet of fast food, processed food, GMO's, etc....
I never heard of eating fruits and vegetables as being unhealthy for youor eating super foods such as RAW Honey,Bee Pollen etc among many others.They are unprocessed and extremely heathly for the body.
So by eating healthier now,you could save thousands in the long run.(but nobody thinks about that)
So saying "screw that to picking healthier food choices" means more $$$$ spent in medication, medical bills,and doctor and hospital visits
eating heathier creates less expenses in the long run which is well worth paying a little more for Organic or unprocessed food.
Hey Teemu, have you looked into Monsanto and just how far their reach is? Even organics aren't immune.
I'm fairly certain that teemu gets his knowledge from where all "experts" of his stature get it: the Internet. And maybe a few Reptilian conspiracy sites.
You know what else causes Beetus?
Grey Aliens!
Who eats Gray Aliens?
Hey Teemu, have you looked into Monsanto and just how far their reach is? Even organics aren't immune.
And because there is so much truthful information on the "internet" its incorrect just because its on the internet right??
I can learn anything I want on the internet by simple research.I can learn what a mainstream Doctor knows and is taught by simply studying and research all for FREE over the internet.....(but I guess it wouldn't be true though then right?)
My beliefs and research come from... first, God's design of Man and what the Bible says Genesis 1:29 "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."
God's plan was never for us to eat man made,chemically processed food (I don't expect you to understand this either)
then putting garbage in our bodies only interfere's with how our bodies are designed to function and design to Heal...Is eating healthy food today a magic bullet of protection? No! but certainly by eating proper nutritious foods gives us better of life living and a healthier immune system to fighting against viruses and diseases...
No-one dies by taking vitamins....but the pharma drugs companies have killed in the last 25 years over 300,000 people through drugs (statistical fact),while vitamins killed ZERO people
Anyways,you believe what you want...do your own research!
by the way,there are no reptilians...but Demons!
Organic food
Now the bible
Dude seriously
Shut the **** up
Even if you go and grow your own garden
Seeds have been genetically altered so they grow better and have a much higher yield
Organic food is for elitists that think because they can spend more they are getting better than everyone else
And the usually have absolutely no idea what they are talking about
Because the took commerce or arty fatty classes at school and didn't learn basic biology
If it wasn't for genetically altered food
We would be all be starving right now
If you want to eat healthy blah blah blah
Don't look down on other people because
Guess what
Your still going to die