Re: The Last of Us Part II (Confirmed, trailer posted)
I would argue that any instance of bucking a sexist or racial trend will be perceived - rightfully or not - as a "social agenda" up until the point where it becomes so commonplace as to no longer be considered as bucking the trend. And that, ultimately, is the only thing that can eliminate the social agenda with which you take issue.
The very fact that anyone's even having this conversation shows just how far the game industry, film industry and we as a society have yet to go.
But they're not bucking a sexist or racial trend, you're still thinking anyone here is against female characters, also, accepting an agenda you don't agree with isn't the only way that agenda will go away, rejecting it is another option.
Why are you so upset by the word? Are you one?
This is why the VG threads here get such bad rep.
If one is thinking about a "feminist agenda" while playing a god damn work of mfing fiction, man, does one need to get their **** straight.
Exactly, I would love to just enjoy my escapism too, which is why I would appreciate angry nu-males stopped trying to lecture me about stuff in my escapism.
yup, just flamey nerds wanting to stand for something that's against the norm or establishment.
But those are the people pushing the agenda, I just want to play my games.
there's nothing "feminist" about TLOU.
I agree, but the director of the game disagrees with you.
Ellie was implied to be almost raped by David in the winter section, and it scarred her to the point of being very quiet and closed off. That is pretty anti-feminist in a world where rape survivors are told to speak up and take action by other actual feminists. You could also argue the fact that Ellie had to be taken care of Joel, and only had to take care of him once when he was severely wounded is anti-feminist too. And how Joel even took care of Tess, and practically every other partner character in the game..
But Ellie and Tess are great female characters, they're strong without being mary sues, they VERY well written, they have flaws as well as strengths, they don't push an agenda.
Those characters are not the ones I despise, not the Ripleys, or the Sarah Connors, or the Furiosas either, but the Female Thors, and the Reys, and apparently the Jin Urso's if you go by what the Rogue One writers say.
But there are bad male characters tew... I can also hate ****** male characters, it's alright, at least ****** male characters don't push agendas.
but... but... there's a GIRL.. and .... AGENDA.. and she uses BIG WORDS!
*one stamp has been added to your nice guy card*
Why do you try so hard to make it about hating female characters? Is it because otherwise you really don't have a point?
Edit: Waaaaait a minute...
>he's a tumblrina.
Why didn't I notice this sooner? It all makes sense now!