Ash Housewares
Super Freak
Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog
Reminds a bit of silent hill music
Reminds a bit of silent hill music
Pics or it didn't happen.
Please no films. Keep it a game and don't destroy the beauty that it is. No video game has ever made a good and true transition to film ever.
I beat Normal mode last night after gathering up all the artifacts. The game can be beaten around 10 hours if you have it on a lower difficulty and you know what you're doing. My first playthrough was around 16. It's still a reasonably long game no matter how you slice it.
Do you have the strategy guide? I might buy it, it'll help me find them faster.
I used a Gamefaqs guide I printed out, save your monies.
Nice! I'll do that instead. I'll just pickup the art book then.