A long look at the ending of The Last of Us, a game that really doesn't need a sequel.
Can anyone confirm whether or not beating the game on a higher difficulty unlocks the lesser difficulty trophies? For instance, if I beat the game on Normal, will it unlock the trophy for beating it on easy? I want to Platinum this game, and I'm trying to figure out how many times I'll need to beat it.I hoping only 3...normal, survivor, survivor +.
Can anyone confirm whether or not beating the game on a higher difficulty unlocks the lesser difficulty trophies? For instance, if I beat the game on Normal, will it unlock the trophy for beating it on easy? I want to Platinum this game, and I'm trying to figure out how many times I'll need to beat it.I hoping only 3...normal, survivor, survivor +.
Maybe new characters? I haven't finished the game, maybe next week. I avoided spoilers and that article. So I don't know how the game ends.
If you beat it on Survivor you get all the lesser trophies retroactively.
Yeah trophies stack, i beat it on normal and got the easy trophy too.
I Dont like Heavy Rain, I am Legend and Red Dead Redemption. I like ammo conservation, the feeling of being alone and trying to survive in a world with mutated humans and full out monsters. Would i like this game? I see so much hype around it but when i see it im not sure it would be my cuppa tea
I seen a limited gameplay of some chick in a house at the start and it reminded me of heavy rain, then some random hunting stuff with Joel an it reminded me of RDR. I didnt have a context for these things its just the first impressions i got. I need a new game, but its the new game prices im uncomfortable with! I think i may pick it up this week though see what its all about.This isn't like Heavy Rain at all or RDR. And this game is worth buying a PS3 for so yeah buy it dude.
My Gamestop makes me mad: got a call from them that a Survival edition of this game was available, since the original preorder person never claimed it after 7 days. I called and told them I would be in to get it after work, but two hours later, they call and say they sold it...
Needless to say, I gave them an earful