Last one for today. Fun stuff. This is a generation 2 Hot Toys nude figure. It's a LONG way off from the beloved core True Type body type. In an effort to go more "high detail", HT pursued using "cloth gloves" and heavily articulated "bendy" hands and fingers. Unfortunately, since this was very hard to stitch into scale, the hands and the subsequent gloves ended up being HUGE.
I know what some of you are thinking. He's triple jointed and his crotch is in my face! What is up with that? Well, scientifically speaking, a person loses heat through their extremities ( top of head, hands, feet) and death from those stranded in a survival situation usually involves the inability for one to regulate their core temperature.
So, while his crotch is in your face, his tactics for basic survival principles are still somewhat on point.
But again, his crotch is in your face.
You can rationalize it by believing it's "art"
I had a really rough week this week, so I'm sticking with the "art" justification on this one. Just stare at his big hands, you'll ignore the entire crotch thing really fast. I promise.