( Disclaimer: The above video was produced by Academy Award winner Frank Capra and designed to help recruitment and morale during the war effort, given the time and place for WW2. The title of this short film is a reflection of the culture and tone of the specific time and place. Certainly no one would title something of this nature in modern times. It doesn't offend me, because I believe we should see history in it's original context, that way we can discuss it and learn from it. But this disclaimer exists because there might be some who would feel the need to hit the Report button over the title of the Capra film. Can't say for certain. I put a decent amount of effort into this thread because in previous years in the hobby, those I knew local to me and also in the hobby, were kind of enough to share their knowledge and experience with me, and I learned a lot about history that way. I add these videos along with these photos of hobby figures for that exact same intent and purpose. Thanks)
Last one for today. Fun stuff. This loose gear is from Hasbro GI Joe Hall Of Fame Snake Eyes. Look at the SIZE of that knife. While older GI Joe was meant for kids and brick and mortar store toy departments, it's rare to see a "1/6th scale" item that might actually be big enough to really stab someone. You could throw that knife at another person and hit them and likely give them a concussion.
This has been a pretty rough month. Hope everyone had a good 4th of July holiday. And in that spirit, one last photo to honor those who serve around the entire world.