I'm in a FB group for female Star Wars fans. Recently someone got ALLLLLL upset about someone else who shall remain nameless, having the temerity to use artwork showing Oola from RotJ kneeling while offering a drink. I mean, she really got bent out of shape over this exploitation, as she called it.
Well, I said, in the movie she WAS a slave. Slavery is everywhere in SW, along with all the other stuff you mentioned above. Is this the hill you wanna die on? Because I have a funny feeling, serving drinks was the very-very least of the things expected of Twi'lek females. I mean, think about it. Despite interspecies differences, Jabba for one seemed very salacious toward anthropoid females. How would that even work?! And UGH. Trandoshans were notorious slavers. How did they treat the anthropoid women they held captive before they were put up on the slave vendue on Nal Hutta or wherever...? Yeah.... hmmm. Perhaps these are more important issues than serving drinks.
Some people have trouble differentiating fantasy from reality, though.
/end threadjack