Well, yeah, that's why I saw TLJ more than once in theater; knew I'd never see it like that again - probably. [...]
Also wasn't sure what I thought of TLJ the first time which was a fan event. I think I was in shock.
One difference between Mando and TLJ is that Favreau isn't over-using stuff. Like BB-8 was a hit when introduced and all of sudden
he's the big savior in TLJ. Episode 5 was definitely Mando's episode.
I saw it twice myself, just because I wasn't 100% sure how to take it and I had friends who hadn't seen it. When we walked out that second time one of them said "Yeah that didn't feel like Star Wars". Agreed. YMMV.
The acting by "Toro" was bad. Real bad. So was the Pit Droid lady. I couldn't say which one took me out of the show more.
As for including Rose Tico into this thread, that was crossing the line.
After some time to mull it over, I'll be honest, I don't think I can watch the last 2 episodes again. IMO the show succeeds when it leans into mood, texture, and a more cinematic feel. If you can't get decent actors have less dialogue.The violence is over the top for a children's show but the actors are like a Saturday morning cartoon so I wish they'd choose one or the other instead of leading me on.
An actor friend of mine thinks they're being directed to be "bigger" than Mando to contrast against his relatively cool, flat delivery and helmeted face. Can we make them smaller?
Geez they need to rename the Nostalgalorian.
[...]I mean the over load of nostalgia is getting old and distracting. It went from cool to .....really?
Barely any story progression.....
They had better up the game.
BTW dunno who recommended Mr.Robot but damn good call.
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Maybe they're trying to drag out the story because they intend for this show to run for a long time? I don't know.
(I also just watched the first 2 episodes of Mr. Robot -- and yes to that.)
I?m finding the unity coming from Mando Tatooine quite appealing and refreshing.
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That unity won't last if the rest of the show looks like that. I don't think it'll ever draw anything near ST hate levels but it'll lose fans.
Mechanic lady and Toro really are subpar actors but watching it again I just found myself liking them, even to the point of kind of hoping the lady shows up again. So even in the places where the quality is lacking the charm isn't.
Agree to disagree.
Fans: Why don't you do something new?
LFL: Here, have a casino planet.
Fans: No, why don't you just do classic Star Wars?
LFL: Here, have Tatooine.
Fans: Ugh, why don't you do something new?
LFL: ....
Me: "Can you match the tone and texture of the OT without rehashing the OT?"
LFL: "Here's episodes 1-3 of Mandalorian."
Me: "Yeah that's cool."
LFL: "And here's Tatooine yet again with Mos Eisley, Han's chair, Sand People and Dewbacks"
Me: "

Here's how I would do it: Build a new story in novel settings, add a little familarity with a cool twist -- this was what they were doing in 1-3. Sure we saw Jawas, but they were hard AF. We saw Imperials but they were the scary, desperate Remnant. We saw an IG droid but in ways we had only imagined before this. That's why anything I perceived as a 'miss' I could give a pass to. It didn't need to be perfect.
Then keep it far away from Big Fan Service until later in the series, when it's strong enough to stand on its own. *Then* it's a cool nod instead of ... um ... desperate.
I didn't love episode 4 but they're allowed to make mistakes when they're trying something at least a little different. Episode 5 had some of the flaws of 4 -- poor acting/direction, lower-budget look and feel -- but they doubled down with a lazy location.
'Remember when' is the lowest form of conversation." - Tony Soprano