Super Freak
Well Favreau said he likes the GOT method - separatestories going on that intersect. And really, how else can you deal with Greef and Cara being in one place, Moff in another, and Mando and Baby someplace else? They could all get together late in the season "for the sake of the plot"-
which is always a popular, if lame way to deal with writer's block, but I'd rather have something that builds from point A to B.
As opposed to Cara, say, kicked back with some spotchka, suddenly hearing voices and then shows up to bust Din D'jarin out of prison or something, because "she had a FEELING he was in trouble"Favreau and Filoni are better than that.
Just hope they end up on Tatooine again; wouldn't mind seeing the Mechanic "oh, it's u again. I'm gonna charge u extra if ur gonna leave any more bodies around for disposal".
Plus like one writer pointed out, this is the first time in all film SW that the Sandpeople were depicted as something more than just one of the dangers of Tattooine, but a culture in its own right that could be negotiated with. Not just savages.
I can never get enough of Tatooine. My favorite planet... after Earth that is