Yup. Very sad. It's ironic really. All those ST defenders on youtube like to say it is a kids show featuring space wizards... well they sure got their wish with the Lego stuff.
You know how big of a failure the ST was? They don't even get their own Lego Star Wars trilogy video game. They made TFA and that was it cause it was so bad.
I repeat myself over and over?
Do you ever read any other posts here? Geezus. Do you read your own posts?
The original Thrawn trilogy was great.
If you like stuff improving the PT and care enough to read about it, the Darth Plagueis Saga was really great too.
Always do.
Exactly. No KOR show is probably the biggest shocker if you actually believe the ST is oh so popular.
It took him 50 years to act like a two year old. I doubt he will be speaking and talking and taking care of himself in 20 years. Probably will take another 50-100 years.
Come on.
Google trends for the last five years comparing
The Mandalorian show vs Rey
https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today 5-y&geo=US&q=/g/11fd6dg0by,/g/11b7nrrkrn
Baby Yoda vs BB-8
https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today 5-y&geo=US&q=baby yoda,bb-8
More people know the combo of Mando and Baby Yoda than any combo/character from the ST
No effort to run from it? Yes they are. Where are the new ST centric shows? Where are they? Where are the new ST novels and comics following your new heroes? Where are they? Where is ANY ST merchandise? Where is it?
And you know your precious lego holiday special? That isn't even all about the ST, it is about Rey travelling back to the OT! They can't even make a 40 minute lego special on a streaming service meant solely for kids without having to drag the OT back in to carry the show!
All this post tells me is ST retcon ST retcon ST retcon.
Too much money on the table to be left in a TV show. Too much hype to disappear.
Darth Ducky the Wise is never wrong.
Don't lecture me, Jaws! I see through the lies of Disney. I do not fear the ST Retcon as you do. I will bring great characters, stories, designs, and acting to my new Canon!
They already introduced it in Rebels and the fact they are mentioning Thrawn and Ezra tells me it is happening. World Between Worlds. Time Travel. Clock is ticking on the ST being retconned as an alternative timeline of what would happen if Luke continues on his current path... that is why he is going to train Grogu.
ST retcon will happen in Mando when Luke and Grogu stop the cloning process of Palpatine by stealing back Grogu's blood and destroying the facilities. World Between Worlds will be introduced and explain it as an alternative timeline. Enter new trilogy and ST retcon
Why would they ever close Luke/Grogu narrative? The most popular scene in Star Wars in a looong time. That is the future. Not Luke/Rey, but Luke/Grogu