This is a very good point. The New Republic is so incompetent and -- yes, evil -- as to be surreal. Are there real world examples for this? Yes, but this is not a competently realized, one-to-one map of real world geopolitics on to a complex and nuanced, monster-sized space opera. That's not what Star Wars is, no matter how many elements Lucas originally ripped off from 'Dune'.
And while it's true we didn't see the political structure of the Rebellion throughout the history of this franchise, there was nothing to indicate it was run by a corrupt and decadent oligarchy that didn't distinguish between the Empire's mechanized and brutal fascism vs. the grinding, inhuman bureaucracy they're showing it being replaced by.
Discounting the generals and admirals etc. for a minute -- political leaders and heroes of the Rebellion like Mon Mothma and Princess Leia of Alderaan were sidelined that easily? There's the post-modern cynicism creeping in again ... (in service of corporate shareholders) ... when did Star Wars become Game of Thrones? It just doesn't fit, IMO.
That kind of darkness works for Andor because it's a tangential, different kind of story focusing on espionage and insurgency; I love that show because it's well done and self-contained. I don't think that tone should be superimposed, retroactively no less, on to the Saga as a whole.
But hey, what do I know? I'm just a nerd on an action figure forum.