Now add old Ted. Whoa.
I guess it's a lot like ANH. The first one had to be stand-alone in case it bombed. Then when it warranted sequels they had to do a minor retcon.
I watched The Matrix again a couple of days ago, and while some of the stuff looks a bit dated, it's still a great movie. And it ends so perfectly, that a sequel seems such a stupid idea... Now, I haven't watched either of the sequels in ages, so I don't remember just how it makes sense that Neo still struggles in the matrix after basically becoming a god in it.
And I'm afraid to find out.
It always bugged me that he's still subservient to Morpheus
Preliminary logo revealed for HBO MAX...
It looks like they need to replace the ink cartridge in their printer.
Haha, yes it does have that "dot matrix" effect
Netflix almost paid 250 million for GvK I wonder how much they’ll offer for M4 lol
So either:
Matrix Resurrection
The Matrix Resurrection
Matrix Reactivated
Matrix Reimagined
Matrix Retooled
Matrix Retardation
Sadly, it will just come across as Matrix Replay.
Matrix: ReGendered