The Next SSC 12 inch GIJoe figure is . . . .

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Q: I thought you said you were going to increasing production to six GI Joe figures a year. What happened?

SSC: We did in the form of the Red Ninja! Just buy six of him and you've got Red Mask Ninja, Black Mask Ninja, Wok on his Head Ninja, Knife in his Left Hand Ninja, Gohastings Ninja and Arms Too Loose But I Really Don't Feel Like Contacting SSC CS About It Ninja and voila! Six figures one year!
When was the Red Ninja announced? Like April or so wasnt it?
Pre-order was June 11. Almost 4 months ago.

And remember, there was NOTHING at SDCC. Which I still say speaks volumes about the priority of JOE for Sideshow.

Another note: The figure before Red Ninja (Beachhead) went up for pre-order in MARCH.

"We haven't slowed down at all..." Uh huh. Right.
You guys need to accept that the line is done. It happened to LOTR and Indy. They'd rather make more clones of clones of clones of clones than Joes.
Pre-order was June 11. Almost 4 months ago.

And remember, there was NOTHING at SDCC.

Damn, I was thinking May at the latest but close enough. Four months way too long in-between with these.

I would only buy red ninjas if I had Fred VII in battle armor...or an approriate scaled brown costume Wolverine.
Seriously, if this line was truly a priority with them (like SW) there would be a new figure announced every 6-8 weeks.
:lol Brilliant Evilface :clap

But it really is to the point where it is starting to piss me off. We didn't see Cody or Boil/Waxer/Numa at SDCC, but since SDCC we have gotten those pre-ordered. And we still haven't gotten a new Joe. I'd even settle for another lame Cobra Trooper variation at this point. I swear sometimes Sideshow doesn't know when they have a hit on their hands.

I mean Ski will probably have our Sgt Slaughters all mailed out before the next Joe :slap
I disagree... another Cobra Trooper (or other variant, like a black ninja) at this point would be an utter insult and slap in the face. Eff that. They need to come with something BIG now.
I disagree... another Cobra Trooper (or other variant, like a black ninja) at this point would be an utter insult and slap in the face. Eff that. They need to come with something BIG now.

Destro or GTFO Sideshow.
Seriously, if this line was truly a priority with them (like SW) there would be a new figure announced every 6-8 weeks.

What really annoys me is they talk about the property with such excitement down to the smallest detail and then they do this. Not so much a a of hint of what is coming.
What really annoys me is they talk about the property with such excitement down to the smallest detail and then they do this. Not so much a a of hint of what is coming.

Momentum is a concept completely lost on them. If they were a sports team and the rules allowed it they would take 7 consecutive timeouts after each play.
I'm tired of their empty promises. "A helmeted Cobra Commander and Commando Snake Eyes are currently in development." B.S. That was over a year ago and still nothing. Enough with the lip service. it's time to put up or shut up Sideshow.
Just cause they're in developement doesn't they'll ever actually grace our shelves. Isn't that right... Revenant?
I bet they don't even have them in development. Just telling us what we want to hear to keep stringing us on the hook hoping we'll take the polystone bait. F-that.