The Next SSC 12 inch GIJoe figure is . . . .

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Okay Sideshow, if we're really waiting more than four months between figures now you really need to stop development on all the Dusty's and Shockwaves. Scarlett, Destro, and the Baroness. NO OTHER FIGURES UNTIL THOSE THREE ARE DONE*. Thank you.

*Except maybe Stalker
I'm tired of their empty promises. "A helmeted Cobra Commander and Commando Snake Eyes are currently in development." B.S. That was over a year ago and still nothing. Enough with the lip service. it's time to put up or shut up Sideshow.


the cries are falling on deaf ears anyways..they'll show a figure when they are ready and its likely spooktacular
I think SS is going to put out a PF before a 1/6 figure. Then if the PF doesnt sell well, SS will blame us collectors for "killing" the line and if it sells well, then they will say "see collectors prefer the PFs".
It's funny how two freaks in particular were jumping on people for this same thing in the Indy threads but are being just as vocal here, if not moreso, about the lack of Joes. :monkey1:monkey1:monkey1
Actually, I see the situations as fairly similar. I don't think the JOE line is dead. That's silly. But Sideshow is starting to fumble it away, like they have with INDY (which is also not dead, unless they're flat-out lying).

Of course JOE has/had more momentum going for it. But as we've seen, that doesn't mean squat if Sideshow isn't playing along.
Joe has had a far far far better selection than the Indy line.

Well, duh, tons more characters to choose from. And so far only one figure released in its line was :lol, and that was a SDCC exclusive. At least 2 of the 12" offerings in the INDY line have left a lot to be desired.

Still, the situations are not dissimilar. You had collectors out here psyched for the lines only to have Sideshow pawn away the buzz.

But JOE still has a lot more life in it. All it will take is a MAJOR announcement, but soon. A 1:6 Zartan (or thereabouts) would do wonders right now.

Pace (and character selection) is more and more critical with each passing week now.
Q: I thought you said you were going to increasing production to six GI Joe figures a year. What happened?

SSC: We did in the form of the Red Ninja! Just buy six of him and you've got Red Mask Ninja, Black Mask Ninja, Wok on his Head Ninja, Knife in his Left Hand Ninja, Gohastings Ninja and Arms Too Loose But I Really Don't Feel Like Contacting SSC CS About It Ninja and voila! Six figures one year!

Well, duh, tons more characters to choose from. And so far only one figure released in its line was :lol, and that was a SDCC exclusive. At least 2 of the 12" offerings in the INDY line have left a lot to be desired.

Still, the situations are not dissimilar. You had collectors out here psyched for the lines only to have Sideshow pawn away the buzz.

But JOE still has a lot more life in it. All it will take is a MAJOR announcement, but soon. A 1:6 Zartan (or thereabouts) would do wonders right now.

Pace (and character selection) is more and more critical with each passing week now.

At least 2? Someone's being optimistic. :lol

ROTLA Indy: a majority came on a flawed prototype-esque Pro body and the paint apps left a lot to be desired.

Belloq: or at least the sad, pathetic headsculpt that was supposed to be him.

Toht: Although he had a soft sculpt and the glasses were goofy, he was a solid figure, but the Ex Ark stank and got spanked by Hasbro's free one.

German Indy: From the 1:5 scale head to the lame outfit, inflated price and complete lack of accessories, that figure was a true turd.

Henry Senior: The only real gem of the line.

Geezer Indy: An otherwise great release ruined by the 1:5 scale head made even more comedic with the 1:6 scale hat glued to it.

Compare that to the Joe line where there've been only minor issues like Snake Eyes' body, CCC and Firefly (who is a nice figure despite the arctic color scheme).
Seriously, when is it safe to start thinking the line is dead?

SS has all but killed it themselves

Why even take on this license if your not going to do it justice??

Dinosauria?? WTF is that ____ and who the hell buys random dinosaur statues.

As much as I love Raiders they should've branched out sooner. Mola Ram is by far the most visually interesting villain and the costume would've been pie. Hell even Spalko would've been better than two guys in suits, and I really dislike Kingdom. :dunno
At least 2? Someone's being optimistic. :lol

Notice I said "at least" and not "only". Words matter, sir. :nana:

That said, I agree with your breakdown on the INDY figures to date, though I think the only true duds in that line have been Belloq and German Indy. Most of the others, while having issues, have been acceptable overall... even though ROTLA all but requires customization to look right. Regardless, you certainly won't see me defending Sideshow's "efforts" with that line.

Back to JOE... I really think a punt like a Black Ninja or another Cobra Trooper variant at this point could be a harbinger of doom for this line. As I said earlier, they need to bring buzz and momentum back to the anticipation of new figures. And that means one of the big boys.
A figure that requires an obvious amount of effort would certainly quell the outraged masses in this section and also 1) show us they're still "in it" and 2) give some hope toward future releases.

Even with the "Go hastings or Go Homers" there's a ____load of interest in this line. Nostalgia sells to nerds like TnA. True story.

Okay Sideshow, if we're really waiting more than four months between figures now you really need to stop development on all the Dusty's and Shockwaves. Scarlett, Destro, and the Baroness. NO OTHER FIGURES UNTIL THOSE THREE ARE DONE*. Thank you.

*Except maybe Stalker

I don't think they are listening to us and don't visit this section.
I agree that we need a really big name announced, even if its the promised 1982 SE or CC. After this long even Dusty might feel like a letdown. I don't feel they're even close to having Destro, Zartan, or one of the gals ready. Shipwreck at least had a memorable presence on the cartoon. Him or Hawk would probably be the way to go, though I'd be thrilled to see a wicked cool Commando SE next.
Yall are just not looking hard enough. It's CLEARLY camouflaged Zartan....