The NEXT SW 12" Figure...?

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I don't mind the occasional EU figure, but I personally don't keep up with any of it (aside from maybe the characters from Knights of the Old Republic) so I'll have to say that I would prefer characters from the films. I think they're more likely to sell to non-hardcore fans as well. I wouldn't have known Asajj Ventress was even from Star Wars if I just saw the figure (well, the light saber does kind of give it away, but still...)
Darth Nihilus and Visas Marr are really nice! add them to my wishlist! cool outfits, and the character looks good, now I'm gonna read those SW comics, damn...

Nihilus and Marr Have a few comic appearences, but most of it comes from the recent star wars tales offerings. (the newer, actualt Cannon verson, not the goofy, non-canon old version) If you really want to see them in action, and get a feel for them, go check out knights of the old Republic 2.

Nihilis still creeps me out to ths day. He never, ever, vocaly spoke a word as far as I remember. It was allways telepathicly to Visas Marr, his apprentice.
Actually I wouldn't mind the next release in the line not being the usual 12" figure but rather an expansion pack.

How about some long due Jedi counsel seats. Mace and gang have been standing all this while, their feet are getting tired.
thank you, kotor 1 and 2 are on my to-do list!
the best figure would be Aayla Secura, and she is part of the movies, even if she doesn't have a line! great shot of her before the order 66...
It has been a while since the Sidius/Palpatine 2-pack announcement. Will we be getting anything this week?
WE'll probobly get more info on the new diarama, but I could personaly care less 'bout it. I hope they bring on more figures soon . Atleast for show, and/or preorder
I agree we'll hear something about the next Dio but I expect one more 1:6th before the years up. They may wait a couple weeks longer till Spook or the even a bit longer for their end of the year event.
I agree we'll hear something about the next Dio but I expect one more 1:6th before the years up. They may wait a couple weeks longer till Spook or the even a bit longer for their end of the year event.

I think it'll be during a lull of new stuff arriving that we'll get one final pre-order announcement for the SW 1/6 line. They wouldn't want the rabid attention given to a pre-order to overshadow a new item arriving in the (also) rabid collector hands.

Bespin Lando? Count Dooku? Tantive IV Rebel? I think we'll hear something during the next lull-- or are we currently in a lull with Bubo having been delivered and Obi and Leia still in the on deck circle?... Hmmmmmm.
you really think so josh?

perhaps it will be a pleasnt suprise, and have some armor.

Yeah, I think so. We should be due for one come Spook or at the very worst come very worst Thanksgiving or end of the year type event.

Don't know if we'll see armor just yet but I do have a feeling 2008 will have some of it.
I think it'll be during a lull of new stuff arriving that we'll get one final pre-order announcement for the SW 1/6 line. They wouldn't want the rabid attention given to a pre-order to overshadow a new item arriving in the (also) rabid collector hands.

Bespin Lando? Count Dooku? Tantive IV Rebel? I think we'll hear something during the next lull-- or are we currently in a lull with Bubo having been delivered and Obi and Leia still in the on deck circle?... Hmmmmmm.

Right its all about timing. Which is why I think Spook is a good time time for an annoucement. Since the only item coming in possibly around that time would be the Obi-Wan vs Anakin Dio.

I could see Lando, ANH Han, or even Farmboy Luke. A Tantive IV rebel is also possible as it wouldn't require much armor despite 08 being a year in which I think we'll see armor. I don't forsee Dooku being the next simply because the last was Palps/Sidious and both can fall under the Sith line. I think we're in a bit of a lull as far as announcements go because the Palps/Sidious figures where the last and that was in Aug/Sept something like that. By the time Spook gets here we're looking at like 2 months if it was in August, but again they do have a couple more events planned for the end of the year I believe so it might get pushed till then.
I really want to see the Rebel Fleet Trooper come out, with two different sculpts and Captain Antilles to go with them. It's much more iconic than the Endor Troopers and will be fantastic once we have Leia; not only that, they'll be must-haves once we finally get Vader and some Stormtroopers!