The NEXT SW 12" Figure...?

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now if it's general Lando, i'd have to jump on it. One f my things is i'm getting all the figures SSc releases that i had as kenner versions as a kid, and displaying them as i remember them. ( example, Leia Boussh has her leia head, not the Boussh one, as i lost her helmet on the kenner figure, lol, what can i say, i was a kid) General calrissan was the first lando i ever had. Bespin Luke was my first Luke, and boussh was my first Leia. So No way i'd pass on General Calrissian.
Species variety would be great. Exciting releases would be great. Armor and droids and short figures would all be fantastic.

After Lando. :cool:

There seems to be much request for Lando.

Looking back at the recent releases -
Leia, Old Ben, Bespin Luke and 2 Palpatine.

All humans. Where are the Droids, creatures or short figures?
Species variety would be great.
I think that if we see a Bespin Lando, it'll be in Premium Format. With all of the focus Sideshow's throwing at the Jabba setup, though, my money's on a Lando 12" figure in his Skiff Guard disguise. :rock And soon. Very soon. Like, say, Spooktacular soon. :chew
So you don't think they're finished with Jabba? I'm still holding out hope for a B'omarr Monk

Man, if I was heading up Sideshow, no way would I call it quits on the Jabba series now. It's hot, and it offers an unbelievable smorgasbord of cool aliens and critters to replicate. I'd milk it for all it's a point. But that point is not yet upon us, so let's keep going!

I'd really like to see them branch our from the Buck bodies and do something different, like a Gamorrean Guard, or some other character with a physique different from that of a human. How about a Greedo/Rodian, for instance?

Eventually, unless Sideshow is content to do repeated repeats of the same characters (three Lukes thus far, for instance), then they'll have to start putting some money into researching new bodies for those alien creatures.

It only makes sense, really. I hope that they're not just pocketing all of the profits from the other 12" figure sales. Put some money back into the line and come up with something that just blows us out of our shoes.
seeing how Asajj is great, SS should make more female characters, I want Aayla Secura, Luminara Unduli, Barriss Offee and Shaak Ti
and I mean now! :D
seeing how Asajj is great, SS should make more female characters, I want Aayla Secura, Luminara Unduli, Barriss Offee and Shaak Ti
and I mean now! :D

I agree with this. Although I'd prefer is Shaak Ti was more like her Clone Wars appearance. The movie makeup had all these weird angles on the face while her Clone Wars look was much softer and more femmine... although we'd be lucky to get one at all let alone one specific to my tastes.
I'd be happy to see one of the prominent female Jedi characters, especially after the success of Assaj.

My vote would go for Luminara....put some wire in that skirt edge and we could have some stunning posing possiblities...

Granted, the same could be said for Shaak Ti, but Hasbro's version wasn't too bad looking (except for the fact that the female body they used can't be posed worth a damn and the outfit is a little cheap looking)...I just want to see SS tackle characters that haven't been presented in 1:6 scale yet...

Oh and if Lando is on the horizon? Skiff Guard would be great to display with Jabba...
What are the chances for a General Grievous in the 12'' line?
How far apart are Sideshow 12" releases anyway?
A) Slim to none...(they did do an excellent PF of him)
B) No rhyme or reason...(but they do have a habit of shipping all at once:))
I'd really like to see more EU stuff creep into the line, but I'm guessing I'm in the minority there. I'd love a Darth Nihlius for example. His robes and head dress could be amazing in 1/6.
I'd forgotten all about Darth Nihlius. That would be a absolutely Stunning figure if sideshow made him.

But if they made Nihlius then a Visas Marr would also be a must.

And she's got to be able to be unmasked :)

you're not alone brother. i was born in 82, So i missed most of the theatrical movies,. though I did have them on VHS. i grew up reading the Novels and the comics Once dark horse got to them( was around the same time I got into comics) Dark empire was my favorite for a LOOOOOONG time. So much so that it has led me to get Our resident Darth Vader Artist to make a Sith version of Luke from it. :) Bring on the EU stuffs!
I'm honestly just not a huge Star Wars fan. I like a lot of the production design through and being a designer and artist myself appreciate it on a visual level. Part of the reason I like the EU stuff more is that it's a bit farther out there and it's also stuff I haven't been bombarded with for the last nearly 30 years.
Contuining my line of thought about the EU, i think too many people who grew up seeing the films in the theatres have their opinion tainted by the awful comics that marvel did just after ANH, and during the other two films. if people would just actualy give some dark horse comics, or timothy Zhan novels a chance, they might just like it :) After all, Thrawn is one of the strongest Villians in the entire EU, and some say in the entire Storyline. He is eaisly one of the most brilliant. Granted the Ysalmiri are a bit strange, but then again, if we can beleive in giant SLug mob bosses who are immune to the force, and semi twisted elephant-hummingbird men who are immune, why not a fuzzy slug that hides it's presence in a negative force bubble?
I'm a huge fan of Clone Wars and by extension Asajj Ventress who I'm so damn happy to have not just as a 1/6 figure but as a GREAT 1/6 figure.
What are the chances for a General Grievous in the 12'' line?
How far apart are Sideshow 12" releases anyway?

Actualy, considering that there seems to be some manner of partnership between hot toys and sideshow now, and Hot Toys made that awesome Endoskeleton, I'd be completely shocked if we did not have a General Grevious some time relatively soon.
Darth Nihilus and Visas Marr are really nice! add them to my wishlist! cool outfits, and the character looks good, now I'm gonna read those SW comics, damn...