The NEXT SW 12" Figure...?

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I can't believe that we don't have a DOOKU yet. It should be next. And BTW, we need a Count Dooku Smilie.:eek:
Vintage Kenner my friend, Vintage... thats like 90 some figures, totally reasonable :lol

More. I have ALL the vintage. You have to count the sets like Sy Snootles and Wampa and Dianoga and a few others that bring the total to like 108.

That's still way too many for my shelves... and I could skip the 2 Bespin guards. :lol

What if SS offered something crazy -- like a Wampa/Hoth Luke 2-pack like the Hasbro version?

That reminds me, I got that Hasbro Dewback... yes, I was a sucker. But the sheer size sold me (and the bendy tail -- I love bendy). SS will never, ever, do a Dewback 1/6th so maybe it will work one day with my SS set.
I dunno about what the next release is (Lando :)) but I am getting a strong vibe that we will see armored characters in 2008.
Species variety would be great. Exciting releases would be great. Armor and droids and short figures would all be fantastic.

After Lando. :cool:
I agree with you on that WG, but I could see them releasing a black and white version of the Bespin Guards as part of the military line.

I too would be surprised if we saw all of them produced (variants aside) but I'd have a hard time passing on any of them.
I agree with you on that WG, but I could see them releasing a black and white version of the Bespin Guards as part of the military line.

I too would be surprised if we saw all of them produced (variants aside) but I'd have a hard time passing on any of them.

I'd probably end up getting way too many, not all, but way too many. I have a hard time saying no when it comes to Star Wars.

So far, as far as SS is concerned, I've only been able to "say no" to Yavin Luke (held out for Bespin and didn't have to wait long), Endor soldiers (no furry Ewoks, no soldiers), and the Dejarik table (no Chewie or Droids, no table).
I hate to say this, but I HOPE it is Lando, My wallet needs a break :)
Don't get me wrong, Lando is a necessitiy, but Unless his exclusive is Super awesome, he's one I can get later. :)
If it is Lando I want a Besin Lando... But now that I have Jabba, I wouldn't thumb my nose up at a Jabba Palace Lando (I know there is a name for that, but I can't remember it). Either way, General Calrissian will never make his way into my collection.
If it is Lando I want a Besin Lando... But now that I have Jabba, I wouldn't thumb my nose up at a Jabba Palace Lando (I know there is a name for that, but I can't remember it). Either way, General Calrissian will never make his way into my collection.

Shame shame Marc, you call yourself a Star Wars fan lol. It would be Lando in Skiff Guard Disguise from Jabba's Palace. I lean more towards that version in the sense that it would add to Jabba, and I absolutely love Jabba as a display piece and every element of the entourage, but from a character stance, Bespin Lando's the way to go.
Thats right. Skiff Guard. :eek:

Either way, I like masked figures, so he would definitely be welkome in my kollection (it wasn't always so, but things have changed).
Hrmmm, now that you bring up the masked deal, I'd say we'll see Bespin or General Lando before Skiff. Given current Sideshow showing in the armor/helmet department, it'd probably be two heads, but with the male body, they might not want to do that, so might be a while before we see helmets like Lando's Skiff helmet.
Naw. I don't see his helmet as being a huge difficulty. Its not Leias or Vaders where the enitre head is contained.

Naw. No problem that Sideshow couldn't handle...

That being said, first Lando will be Bespin.:D
I have faith Sideshow can do, I'm just not sure when they'd feel ready for it. You still have a slight challenge of Lando's hair, Mr. Space pimp can't have helmet hair :)
We are well overdue for Lando. That being said, I think it's about time for antoher PT Jedi

<-------------------------------- :monkey3

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