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Thanks KBA, the good feedback here has made me like it even more!

Here's another couple of pics more close-up. The shirt and tie are a very nice fit! Pics with and without flash.



My Gordon eagerly awaits his 1/6 Batsignal from 1mod6!!

What's not to like dude ! That looks great !

I hope I can put mine together half as well !
oh man, that looks great. Can't wait til my Gordon's head arrives.
Awesome bash man. With clothes that fit that well, it looks very cool.

what is DID

With this thread being about a figure and all, you could most likely find your answering looking up "DiD figures" or something similar on google. :whip
;) Basically, they are bodies and accessories people use for customs.
Awesome bash man. With clothes that fit that well, it looks very cool.

With this thread being about a figure and all, you could most likely find your answering looking up "DiD figures" or something similar on google. :whip
;) Basically, they are bodies and accessories people use for customs.

so you don't have a good way of explaining it? :confused:
I just explained it to you. They are bodies and accessories people use to customize. I'm not your mom, I'm not going to give you a thousand links to show you what a base body looks like when you can do that yourself. Base bodies and accessories such as clothes are pretty self explanatory, kid. :rolleyes:
what is DID

Dragon in Dreams - typically written "DiD". They are a 1/6th manufacturer that typically makes WWII figures. They are not related to Dragon, another 1/6 manufacturer sometimes referred to as DML.

I'm very disappointed in members that won't answer a simple question from someone new to the hobby. It speaks ill of the entire community when something like this happens.

To suggest someone do a search on the an expression like "Did" which would never return anything remotely useful is the height of rudeness.
I get what they're saying though....people need to do a little searching for themselvs once in a while.

I googled DiD bodies...and I found my answer. Didnt have to ask nuthin.
Dragon in Dreams - typically written "DiD". They are a 1/6th manufacturer that typically makes WWII figures. They are not related to Dragon, another 1/6 manufacturer sometimes referred to as DML.

Didnt know that. Although I googled some time ago exactly the same, this is new to me. Thanks. :duff

BTW: Absolutly agree on the rest! Why not answering a simple question with a simple answer instead of starting an ongoing discussion. We're all here to have some fun. :monkey1

@ topic: My Gordon head will be mailed next week! :rock

I love the last Gordon posted,though I agree that the tie is somehow not matching... Still a very good one! :chew
Didnt know that. Although I googled some time ago exactly the same, this is new to me. Thanks. :duff

BTW: Absaolutly agree on the rest! Why not answering a simple question with a simple answer but start an ongoing discussion. :monkey1

@ topic: My Gordon head will be mailed next week! :rock

I love the last Gordon posted,though I agree that the tie is somehow not matching... Still a very good one! :chew

I didn't know that either. Since they both had 'dragon' names I thought they were one and the same, or at least connected somehow. Good stuff to know really. That should probably be stickied in the custom section somewhere.
I apologize for my post. Darklord has already informed me that he's aware of our new member being pretty rude to me and I know it's still no excuse for me to act the way I did. Last thing I want to see here is board drama.

intothevoid- Thanks for the info about the coat. I'll pm elvis as well.
Im gonna disagree with DD, and say its perfectly alright to fight fire with fire...but i'm not a mod so...heh. :lol
Also just to be clear, Elvis1976 (seb) did not make the coat in case someone thought that. He simply got it from somewhere - and if you PM him i'm sure he'll be able to tell you where he got it!
Dragon in Dreams - typically written "DiD". They are a 1/6th manufacturer that typically makes WWII figures. They are not related to Dragon, another 1/6 manufacturer sometimes referred to as DML.

I'm very disappointed in members that won't answer a simple question from someone new to the hobby. It speaks ill of the entire community when something like this happens.

To suggest someone do a search on the an expression like "Did" which would never return anything remotely useful is the height of rudeness.

Hence why DD is who he is...

Class act.

Glad you got the right answer.

Too many tend to forget what it is like to not know it all :mad:

How can we help the hobby if we don't help each other ?

Yes we can google and search, but if we are asked... why not answer. If you don't want to, don't, but you should not belittle anyone. It does not speak will for the site or the members. :monkey2