Hey folks!
Apologies in advance for this newb question (I could probably drudge the answer up with some searchin' but have already spent far too much time online this morning

I'm new to this game, and LOVE it.... Here's my question though---
I seem to have completed a campaign, having recently killed Shepherd and sat through the gorgeous credit sequence, etc. However, on the home menu, it says the campaign is just over 50% completed... Yet when I try to play and continue the game (ie: "resume game"), it simply runs the "kill Shepherd" bit and runs the credits again.
How do I continue the campaign exactly? I know there are some campaign scenes I haven't encountered yet
(I haven't done any scuba diving or running on the rooftops in Brazil for instance)... Do I need to spend the rest of the game playing individual missions (in "Act I, Act II, etc") or is there a way I can continue the ongoing campaign like I did with the first 50%?
This feels like a really dumb question but hopefully one of you superior gamers can elighten me.