I played for like an hour and a half last night and never saw it. Perhaps it's more common on the PS3? Perhaps there are more cheating douche bags on there?
starkiller is on the 360
I played for like an hour and a half last night and never saw it. Perhaps it's more common on the PS3? Perhaps there are more cheating douche bags on there?
Like paintball? If you played two games you would see it.
You pull out the javelin, pull out semtex, then quickly pull the javelin back out without throwing the semtex. After that your live, and if killed within a certain distance of people you will drop your javelin which will fire and blow up anyone in the radius of your death. Pretty simple stuff.
starkiller is on the 360
starkiller is on the 360
Paintball? Never. If your referring to my avatar then, I had bought that just to buy it. Wanted to paint it up.
I played enough games to get me up 4 ranks, and never saw the glitch. I did see it on YouTube though, but that is the only way so far. Maybe less people use it on xbox cause they don't want to be reported, or lose rep?
Now that the procedure was posted, I had a chance to try it out--but in a Private Match with a friend of mine. Yeah it looks good, but it is truly cheap and lame. I may suck just as much as I'm average at the game, but I have enough self-respect to not take a glitch like that into the public arena.
Yeah, Veteran wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be. I might actually go back and try CoD4 on Veteran someday.Finished the game on veteran last night. Not as hard as I thought it would be so now its time to mess around with the spec ops for awhile.
Ha, it's just funny how serious some people are about these games. Respect and self-respect has nothing to do with this game. I did just to try it as first but it was such a great way to get back at all the cheap players and campers. Running around with your akimbo 1887 shotguns? I'll javelin glitch ya. Spawn capping me, I'll get ya back. Camping in the corner, I'll get ya.
To hear there reactions, it was so damn funny. I was laughing so hard.
Thank god with the javeline glitch they are also toning down the power of the akimbo shottys too in the next patch.
I still don't understand why people hate camping and equate it to cheating? What exactly is wrong with camping... please tell us all.
I still don't understand why people hate camping and equate it to cheating? What exactly is wrong with camping... please tell us all.
its just the only comeback people have for getting killed and being pissed.when i play my good games i get called a camper even when i wa running around with my Spas blowing heads off!! BOOM..Headshot!!!!
Ha, it's just funny how serious some people are about these games. Respect and self-respect has nothing to do with this game. I did just to try it as first but it was such a great way to get back at all the cheap players and campers. Running around with your akimbo 1887 shotguns? I'll javelin glitch ya. Spawn capping me, I'll get ya back. Camping in the corner, I'll get ya.
To hear there reactions, it was so damn funny. I was laughing so hard.
Thank god with the javeline glitch they are also toning down the power of the akimbo shottys too in the next patch.