i also heard a story of how you were telling everyone you were running pwning noobs when someone from your own team was standing over you whilst you were prone![]()

How embarrassing must that have been?
i also heard a story of how you were telling everyone you were running pwning noobs when someone from your own team was standing over you whilst you were prone![]()
I disagree. It has nothing to do with taking the game seriously or not. Using the glitch is cheating, and cheating is cheating IMO. Don't care if it's a video game, an exam, or whatever else you can think of. From that perspective, yeah I think self-respect has everything to do with it.
But of course, you're entitled to your opinion. Just don't be surprised if someone files a complaint against you for glitching on LIVE (if you're on XBOX that is).
The 1887 has ridiculous range and accuracy on it, I dont mind them being powerful its just abit unrealistic. Has anyone actually tried shooting a shotgun one handed![]()
Going for this bad boy emblem tonight! It's proper SAS! I'll let you know if I get it and how to do it
While blinded by a flashbang, kill someone with a throwing knife.
Good luck papo! its a pain in the ass
one of the few i got as soon as i got knives
by accident though![]()
Yeah, Veteran wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be. I might actually go back and try CoD4 on Veteran someday.
I finally got the achievements on Spec Ops for having 3 Stars on 15 missions and at least 1 Star on all of them, just two more achievements and I'll have another complete game in the books.
I've been trying this past week. Got close on a good number of times. I think I equalled my best streak of 22 kills before getting killed. I actually won't stop trying until I get one! On most things i'd give up but on this i'm not. Determined!~~I've just decided that I'll never get the Nuke. The closest I've come is 19 and now I keep getting 15 and 16 before dying.
I finally unlocked the echo special ops. I have been doing the ops solo, and it is decently hard. How on earth I am going to kill 15 juggernauts now is beyond me.![]()
I've been trying this past week. Got close on a good number of times. I think I equalled my best streak of 22 kills before getting killed. I actually won't stop trying until I get one! On most things i'd give up but on this i'm not. Determined!
I have hardline as Perk 2, with my kill streaks being Harrier strike, chopper gunner and of course the Nuke. When I got 22 kills it was due to the Chopper gunner as it did all the work. Suppose that will have to do the trick this time as well.
You on PSN??? I need to finish mine as well. Nash you feel up to it again??
You on PSN??? I need to finish mine as well. Nash you feel up to it again??
Does anyone have any good weapon/attachment/perk combinations that work really well? I am level 29 but what I've been using just doesn't seem to cut it anymore.