PS3 patch just went live! Includes the Akimbo 1887s re-balancing, fix for Prestige hack, & fix for Public "private" Match. 360/PC soon
Cool!!! I'll get it later.
PS3 patch just went live! Includes the Akimbo 1887s re-balancing, fix for Prestige hack, & fix for Public "private" Match. 360/PC soon
Ever play free for all on Rust? That ???? is insane!![]()
I have about reached my limit with this game. There is nothing better than WAITING for someone to come into a bldg ( heartbeart sensor ) and then unloading into them only to have them kill you from a mile away with the akimbo shotgun garbage. How in the world they don't fix this is beyond me. A half a clip of assualt riffle is less damaging from long distance then 2 shotguns???? Yeah right.
You're looking to go from level 4 to 25 in a night? Do you level up faster after you prestige, or are you just insane?![]()
PS3 patch just went live! Includes the Akimbo 1887s re-balancing, fix for Prestige hack, & fix for Public "private" Match. 360/PC soon
patience...fix is coming
I hate lossing kills and games due to ????ty connections. Fix your ******* walmart connections geezuzz.
You shoot a guy directly in the head or body and the game lags and even though your reticle is pointed directly at him, he like slides and shifts to the side and the game chugs then somehow they kill you when they should already be dead. Lame as hell.
Instead of going 27 and 13, I should have gone something more like 35 and 5...minus all the cheap kills due to lag and connection issues with the host.
I agree with you. I'm not great, but it is rediculous how many times I loose in a face off due to the game is not playing what you are actually seeing. I go games where almost every guy I spot is some where between 50 to 100 yards away. I shot them while they are facing the other way or before they spot me. I empty a full M16 clip into them. Then they just kill me with one bullet. On the killcam it shows me just running towards them oblivious to there existance while they zero in on me and take me down in a hail of bullets. All the while the game says I have a four bar connection.
Not a connection issue, but i'm fed up with seeing someone in a seperate room for example and they simply run or stretch out all the way across the room with their magic ****ing arm while i'm using M16 with FMJ's and stopping power to the head, and they stab me.:mad:
honestly, how often does someone knife you while you are shooting at them? If it's often enough to cry about then i'd say that you are playing this game completely wrong.
honestly, how often does someone knife you while you are shooting at them? If it's often enough to cry about then i'd say that you are playing this game completely wrong.
It shouldn't be wrong to asume that FMJ's being unloaded from a rapid fire fully automatic assault rifle whilst using stopping power from the opposite side of the room would kill someone instantly. Thats my logic anyway.
But the physics of the game say's that a man on the opposite side of a room with a machine gun in his hand can find time to swap from his weapon of choice to a knife, run approximately half way across the room and then his arm will stretch out to more than twice it's length to stab you. All while you are kneeling, looking through your holographic scope with the trigger pulled aiming center mass or at his head.
Sorry but it just shows that you don't know much about this game to begin with.
FMJ does not = faster kills. FMJ is only useful when shooting through walls or objects. the way the game is set up, shooting through a wall or an object normally will decrease the power of your shots if you hit your opponent. FMJ reverses this and acts as if the wall or object is not there at all. It does not add more power to your bullets other than that.
Stopping power decreases the amount of bullets to kill someone by approximately 1 shot. if it normally takes 4 bullets center mass to kill someone, stopping power will lessen that to 3.
And to be honest, your scenario with someone having time to change weapon to the knife while running across the room and still knifing you is pretty over dramatic and exaggerated. although perhaps if they have the commando perk equipped it may happen from time to time since commando increases knifing distance. But if youre shooting at them while they have a gun out and changing to the knife and still can't kill them, i highly doubt you are actually hitting your target at all or it's connection lag
This response shows you must not play the game a lot. because he's not over dramatic and exaggerating that is exactly how it feels.
I shoot 2 burst of an m16 into some fool (enough to drop them) and they lunge at me from like 15 feet away and knife me. One time an enemy did it as a last kill, on his screen I was like a foot away, on mine he was about 12 feet away. It's totally ridiculous, and if they have akimbo shottys forget it.
2 bursts from an m16 takes someone down every time for me. You must just be bad or get a better connection.
I play the game enough, and only ever had someone knife through my bullets a handful of times. you dont see any of the better players in here complaining about it.