The Official Gears Of War 3 Thread

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bump, I still need help with completing Arcade casual with mutators infinite ammo, super reload and instagib - still can't get past the mines thanks!

Casual? Seriously?

yes, Casual let me know if you want to join, and don't try to tease with Seriously as I'm still trying to get the first Onyx medal by boosting repairing turrents, what are there like 60 medales we have to get?

What does me asking seriously about casual have to do with you boosting medals?

you said Seriously that's level 100 plus all onyx medals, I'm working on campaign now and will deal with that later.

I didnt say seriously 3.0, I asked if you were serious about needing help on casual with mutators

yes because I don't think the mutators have any effect on the submarine ammo.

They dont...but you're the one that mentioned them when asking for help...

right because some peeps who joined the game left and wrote to me saying they were offended I am using mutators to cheapen the difficulty

also I purchased the green skin gun on Ebay and want to know why can't it be used on campaign?


The easiest way to beat the game on insane is to have a friend come over or over live. You play on your account on insane, and the other guy can put it on easy or casual. This makes everything much easier, you will die quickly, but your buddy will take longer so he can revive you easier. It's a cheap way, but works, unless you and a buddy are both playing on insane together so both of you get the acheivments at the same time.
how does each person set their own difficulty? only the party leader chooses the difficulty...

regardless, the game is easy enough to not have to do that...especially with mutators on
he said over xbl too...but even with system link or split-screen, one person has to be the party leader and choose what the party plays...not each person
If I remember correctly, I think it gives each individual player the option to choose which difficulty they want to play, in co op splitscreen, at the start of campaign :D
I remember it because I played splitscreen co op & the option popped up. I'd rather beat insane solo first though. Haven't done it yet. I haven't even tried arcade mode yet :lol
If I remember correctly, I think it gives each individual player the option to choose which difficulty they want to play, in co op splitscreen, at the start of campaign :D

Yes that is correct. Me and my brother played split screen (this was on gears 2 a few days ago). l picked the campaign split screen it says pic dificulty, l picked insane, he had just made a junk acount to play (he couldn't remember the email address he used to sign into his gamer profile) he couldn't pic insane because that new profile had to beat the game before insane is unlocked, so he picked casual and that's how we did a few chapters and they showed beaten on insane on my profile. Not sure if this can work this way on gears 3 or not, l will see next time he comes over.
well i know in 3 if you want to beat it on insane your first play through you just need to play with someone who has already unlocked insane...

So someone else playing on insane gets you the insane achievments as well even if you are not on insane, are you sure that seems wierd, do you get the hardcore achievment along with the insane as well? l think in the other gears games if you do the game in casual to unlock insane, then skip harcore and do insane, you will get the hardcore achievment along with the insane achievments. saying if the party leader has unlocked insane and chooses that to play, everyone in the party plays on insane too and do not get to choose the difficulty

people were talking about doing this so they didnt have to play through twice to get all the achievements. this way they could beat it on insane the first play through saying if the party leader has unlocked insane and chooses that to play, everyone in the party plays on insane too and do not get to choose the difficulty

people were talking about doing this so they didnt have to play through twice to get all the achievements. this way they could beat it on insane the first play through

Now l got you. Yeah l though it would be wierd to have someon else play on insane and you ge the achievment as well even if you are on a different dificulty.