The Official Gears Of War 3 Thread

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right because some peeps who joined the game left and wrote to me saying they were offended I am using mutators to cheapen the difficulty

also I purchased the green skin gun on Ebay and want to know why can't it be used on campaign?

Gun skins are for MP only

The female gears are like oddjob from goldeneye, they are freakin impossible to hit.

They have the same hitbox as everyone else...
Yeah, the Queen is my locust skin. Plus there is a medal for playing matches using a female skin,
it might not be the best idea, but i love playing the big gnarly locusts, like the hunter the smalles it go is Kantus. I didnt realize you get medals for the chics though...I'll have to use them a few times.
I'll be on in a few hours Nick. I still have most of the campaign to play. I've mostly been doing Horde mode up to now. I've done a little of Beast Mode, and King Of The Kill, and Team Deathmatch too.

My Xbox LIVE gamertag is the same as my board member name here. :wave
it's hard to hide behind barriers :lol

:lol yeah.

Also having people charge at you with the retro lancer, screaming in that chipmunk voice. :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

Wait...what? :dunno How'd you get the "big head" mode Biojex? I don't have it yet on my game. Let me know. Thanks! :wave

You have to specify big head mode from the main menu

Yeah it was in the vs menus. Though oddly, horde mode also had big head mode on as well. The boomer sounds hilarious. Nearly died because of it :lol
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