The Official Gears Of War 3 Thread

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finished :yess:

I onyxed warmonger, tour of duty, unlocked the hardcore and insane achievements, 2 starrred king of cog, and got the ghost protocol skins all at the same time :lol
Relax. That post wasn't meant for you. It was meant for Angelo. He posted he didn't like prequels in games, & I pointed out a good game prequel. What? :dunno.

Edit: I actually wouldn't mind a prequel to Gears. Maybe something with Dom's older brother :D
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The best Gears game is still Gears 1, it had the most mystery, tenseness and great atmospheric environments; and that for me defined the franchise. Ever since that first trailer for the game, the 'Mad World' one....I knew this game would be awesome.

Sadly since Gears 1, the franchise has evolved into an explosive head-first shooter and IMO it has lost that unique atmosphere the earlier games had (even Gears 2 still had a similar feel to the world of Gears 1).

I am not dissing the game or franchise, it is one of my top 10 franchises of all time, I love gears. But now that I have played Gears 3 a lot and had time to compare it, I really miss the darker, scary, mystery filled moments of the first two games. I wish Gears 3 had more rain, more 'scary' moments, more nighttime missions, and less cutscenes when you open a door. I loved the long walks in Gears 1/2 where you'd be walking to your next objective, opening doors and talking. Instead in Gears 3 it's all cutscenes every-time you simply open a door.

Of course the story changes and the team wants to do different things, like there being no need to go underground anymore and so on, I get that.

I'd like to see the next Gears game go back to a similar style and feel of the first game.

I am looking forward to playing RAAM's Shadow though, the kryll are back!
Hardcore weekend is fun. Wish it and this is my rifle were add to the daily playlist.