Collectors are an obsessive and fickle lot.
The PERCEPTION of a thing sometimes is more important than the REALITY of that thing.
I think almost irreparable damage was done when THX217 posted those pics of a broken 2000 dollar collectible with castings that looked 1mm thick.
Look, whatever the reality of the production process, 2000 dollars is a lot of money for the average collector.
Who does Sideshow think spends 2K on a statue of a superhero character?
In these economic times MOST people use that money on food, gas, bills, their kids (most of all their kids), etc, etc, etc.
2000 dollars is a lot of money for MOST people. And for that money, most of us want to know that we are getting our money's worth. Whether true or not, seeing 1 mm thick castings on a 2K piece makes for a VERY, VERY negative impression.
I'll tell you that my income is in the top 0.5% of the population and I DO have 2000 dollars to spend on a collectible with minimal impact. I even had it on order with a secondary retailer. After seeing thx217's pics, I cancelled. Did I do this because I didn't think this was a wonderful piece or a fantastic piece? No. It looks great, that's why I ordered it in the first place.
Then I started thinking about relative value. For an equivalent amount, I could conceivably get:
1. Bronze statue
2. Master Replica's Millenium Falcon prop
3. Master Replica's AT-AT walker.
4. Cinemaquette Predator
5. Hand-forged Albion Conan the Barbarian Atlantean or Father's Sword, less than 400 made of either.
These are only A FEW of the things that are in the conversation when we start talking purchases in the thousands of dollars.
And these are grails, heirlooms, impressive pieces that TO ME PERSONALLY look like they are thousands of dollars. When I saw that hollow leg on the Iron Man 1:1 maquette and two separate orders arriving with broken parts, I decided that this piece just wasn't worth 2k.
Again, the piece looks fantastic but at 2K and with no limited number, Sideshow really couldn't afford the bad PR from a thin casting.
The Iron Man 1:1 bust looked great too. I bought it, owned it, had a flaking paint issue, sent it back, waited 6 months for a replacement, and got one with a paint chip that looked like it was an old return. Once bitten, twice shy. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
I returned a 35 pound monstrosity in a box big enough to hold a 4 yr old child twice. I am not interested in doing the same for a FIFTY pound statue in a box big enough to hold MY WIFE even once.
I'm happy those of you who got a perfect Iron Man enjoy it. That in the end is what truly matters. But I think it might be interesting to hear another perspective from a "high end" collector explaining why I did NOT decide to buy this piece even though I liked the look and had the money.