Rocketeer print by Jason Palmer.
If this was near mint I'd get it... https://www.ebay.com/itm/Dave-Steve...588?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item58901f8034
Rocketeer print by Jason Palmer.
New Acme Archives piece debuting at D23. Done by Brian Rood.
Alright, I put the Rocketeer PF figure and print by Brian Rood on my birthday and Xmas lists. So we'll see what happens.
I just bought the Complete Adventures Deluxe edition.
I can't wait to read this!!![]()
This is freaking gorgeous! Added to wishlist.
yup, stunning figure indeed![]()
Alright, gonna be in Disneyland in a few days. I'm not expecting, but I will be eagle eye for any Rocketeer items. Not holding my breath though.