How did the Medicom Rocketeer turn out Snoopy?
My ACME helmet kit arrived in the mail over the weekend. It's all set to be sent off for finishing and painting.
I was outbid.
What did it end at, and what version? Just out of curiosity.
I love the random Rocketeer stuff that can be found on Ebay and various places online. I've found some weird stuff. The Goofeteer items have not been easy to track down for a reasonable price. Nor anything from the D23 event.
I was watching that same one Snoopy.
Hopefully we get some type of updated version of this guy. Still waiting for the ultimate, pinnacle release to satisfy me.
I don't remember which version it was but the auction ended at $211 and some change.
I had my top bid at $200.
Cool, thanks! Glad to know he's appreciated (at least from what I paid) while I've owned him. I have the V2, which I prefer over the 1 and 2.5.
I'm with you guys though, I would go crazy for an updated Rocketeer figure from either HT/EB or one of the talented custom teams on the boards
Have 2 more pins coming in the mail.
New Rocketeer Adventures coming out tomorrow. Heading to the comic shop on Thursday.
Where do you get your subscription from? Does it save you much $?