The OFFICIAL Spooktacular 2007 thread!

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Look, we just put the whole Medi vs. SSC argument to rest.

Don't stir up the grand daddy debate of them all!!!!


:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl Sorry...this is just the third freebie I've missed out on due to the slowness of this computer. I'm seriously ready to throw it out and the window and set it on fire....but then I couldn't afford to buy a replacement for my boss. :lol:lol:lol
What if....Peter Jackson directed the PT?

They'd still pale in comparison to the originals. There's only so much anyone can do with a mediocre script.

What is this? The stir up some s*** thread?

- J
Hey, if they can do a "Spooktacular Corporate Spokesman," they can do a "Spooktacular Patient Zero." If they did that, I might consider getting back into the line.

- J
I just got my zombie Dr. from the Godfather! :rock :rock As cool as he is....he most definitely needs some more bloodying up. :D :D
What if....Peter Jackson directed the PT?

Naturally, it would have been about Obi-Wan and Anakin taking a really long walk together and crying. A lot.

At the end of Sith, after Owen and Beru watch the suns set, we'd have cut to Alderaan as the Organas sung Baby Leia a melancholy lullaby. From there, it's back to Tatooine, as we watch the Lars family enjoy their first meal (blue milk and poe-tay-toes) together. From there, we'd cut over to Obi-Wan as he slowly swept up his new house. Then, it's across the galaxy we go, to Emperor Palpatine's office, while he oversees the installation of his new giant window (all the while, the melancholy lullaby plays on, of course). It'd keep going on and on, and on-and-on-and-on until finally, Darth Vader is seen as the door of his meditation chamber closes slowly upon him. Music softens. Fade to black. To Be Continued...

CUT TO BLASTING STAR WARS FANFARE! and Directed by Peter Jackson.

*In the interest of full disclosure, I love both of 'em. SW is iconic, LOTR is a tremendous artistic achievement, I'm a big fan of both. Just havin' a little fun, that's all.

What is this? The stir up some s*** thread?
Make up for? What did you expect? They're freebies! :rolleyes:

I thought he meant make up for him missing them, but what do I know? The freebies have been pretty good overall, but it's funny how I've missed every single one of the LOTR helm freebies, even though I've been making a conscious effort to check the site very often. Still, getting the Clone Trooper VCD made up for all of that! :cool:
That is a great idea. I for one hope they make a teenage pregnant zombie, of course it would have to be a mexican teen zombie. :lol

It's ok folks I'm mexican so I can say this sorta thing......I crossed the river across the border on my moms back and Elian Gonzalez is somehow related to my family. That little Cuban ***** still owes me 5 pesos. :monkey1
