The Official "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" movie thread *SPOILERS*

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Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

In fact, he's 87 (27 May 1922), but even so, they need to start filming in a hurry, its not like he's getting any younger.
And yes, I'd be surprised if he wants to fly down to NZ as well, so won't be cheap having to fly cast and crew to England for those involved in the White Council, but it would be worth it. Unless they just add him in via green screen.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

All you'd really need Saruman for is the council scenes, and as that happened in Rivendell (probably around the same table the Fellowship was formed) they'd just have to create the set in England and get the cast there. He doesn't have to appear in any fighting scenes as i don't belive Saruman ever went to war with Sauron.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Actually, far from being restricted to the White Council, Saruman is corrupted by Sauron at some point. Thats a major plot element revealed in the LOTR and something they may want to explore in the prequels. Certainly Lee has expressed his interest
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Believe me, if they want Lee to do and if Lee wants to, they'll find a way to do it. I don't see the need in going to NZ to film it.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Artist Mike Mignola Worked on The Hobbit for a Few Weeks

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Not surprising to hear, considering Hellboy creator Mike Mignola is credited for the story on Hellboy II: The Golden Army and did work closely with Guillermo del Toro on both of those movies, but it is exciting nonetheless. Collider talked with Mignola on the [COLOR=#006400 !important][COLOR=#006400 !important]red [COLOR=#006400 !important]carpet[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] of the Saturn Awards last week and got a small tidbit out of him about The Hobbit. "I actually did go down to New Zealand for just about a week and a half, really… It was really quick, and I did a little bit of work on The Hobbit." What exactly did he do? He wouldn't say, but our guess is he worked on some of the early concept art drawings, as he's also an artist.
So what can we expect from this Guillermo del Toro and Mike Mignola team up briefly for The Hobbit?
"It's hard to say at this point, because so much work had been done before I even got there that I looked at it and I [said] wow, it looks like a 16 hour, insane [COLOR=#006400 !important][COLOR=#006400 !important]movie[/COLOR][/COLOR], there's so much in it. It's too early for me to tell how much stuff is going to get paired down. I don't really feel comfortable saying too much, except that it looks amazing. And it's very much a del Toro stamp on that world."
So there's the first response from someone who has been down to New Zealand and seen first hand exactly what del Toro's version of The Hobbit looks like so far. Mike Mignola is a good guy and I trust him. If you're not sure about this, just watch the interview video on Collider, and you can tell that he wouldn't just hype things up without good reason. For those who are dying for more updates on The Hobbit, word is that there might be some big announcements coming during Comic-Con. I mean, we already know that Peter Jackson himself will be there, so maybe he'll be hosting a Hobbit panel as well. As always, stay tuned for the latest!
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Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

That's cool, Mignola does some awesome stuff :rock

And as much as I love C.Lee, I could not imagine him being the voice of Smaug; I would just hear Saruman. I suppose they could do a John Rhys-Davies/Treebeard kind of computer manipulation :dunno
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Personally i dont want Smaug to be a voice i hear and straight away say "hey,thats so and so's voice",i would be a mistake imo,in to many movies important cg/puppets are voiced by a famous person,they should go the Gollum route and use a talented voice actor
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

THats a good point. It bugs me that they had John Rhys Davies as the voice of Treebeard AND playing Gimli.
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

But to be fair you really couldn't tell unless you really made yourself. It could work but Lee has such a distinctive voice. If he wasn't Saruman then i'd have loved it if he was the voice of Smaug. But he is... so that's that :lol
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

Im just a bit bored of these famous actors voiceing these big characters in movies,Neeson/Aslan,Connery/Dragon from DragonHeart etc,its been done,i want to hear something unique,especailly for Smaug........and i have faith in the powers that be

*waits for the announcement James Earl Jones will voice the part of Smaug* LOL
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

I hope the music is just as epic as the other films!
Re: The Official "The Hobbit" movie thread

With Mr Shore on board ( I presume he is???) The music will be EPIC-ER!!! Not a word I bet but I don't care!! :rotfl