I got the One Ring laynard with the show times on the back as well as the Bilbo Hobbit key chain at the trilogy last night. That's probably because I saw it at AMC.
I'm actually surprised I lasted all three films. By mid Two Towers, I was completely butt hurt. I had to run around for about an hour during the break, I felt like crap. I was surprised by the turn out, it was completely packed at my showings, kids and adults, and they all stayed. Return of the King . . . damn. It's great but, what a bloated film. It's full of fat that needed to be trimmed (even the non Extended Edition). I was getting really anxious with the last 40 minutes, "c'mon, stop ****ing around and end it".
Great stuff though, but I'm probably never going to watch LOTR again.
Oh and Fellowship of the Ring is clearly the best in my eyes. Best pacing, they're all together, Moria, Amon Hen, Boromir, Gandalf the Grey, the Shire, it can't be beat.