the OFFICIALLY sanctioned Spooktacular thread! All other threads bow before me!

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SideshowDusty said: do NOT have to use it on the page that it shows up on... you can use it on anything that accepts the gift card codes.

"I can see!" said the blind man as he walked into the wall!
I believe it's already been solved. The Invisible man. "capture the Invisible Man before he kills again - and before he realizes his goal of world domination."
It is definately the Invisible Man, but I am sure that there have been a number of right answers by now. :monkey4

Yep, winner confirmed!
man I went to the Invis man right off the bat and saw nothing.. would these clues look like something or is it the answe to the contest?

Poop!!!!! I found my answers.
It was in an orange box just below what would be the "purchase" button. It now says

"This contest is now closed. Check this post to see if you were the winner! You have found a Mistress Quest! If you would like to win an LOTR King of the Dead statue, simply use the Spooktacular Contest Form [Located Here] and enter your answer and Contest Code: SPKT0603. The first person to find this Quest and enter all the information, including the contest code, correctly will win the King of the Dead! (There is no 'answer' for this one, so you can leave that field blank.) Remember to fill out all of your info and that the chosen winner will be responsible for shipping and any applicable VAT and import fees. Watch the Spooktacular 2006 news page for the winner's name!"

Go back a page and look at my link for the invisible man.