the OFFICIALLY sanctioned Spooktacular thread! All other threads bow before me!

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Damm I wake up and get more LOTR trivia or hunts, these are driving me crazy, ohh well good thing we have google. Anything chage? I see that thate Famous 4ft Frank is up now. Oh well off to surf, see you guys later.
Looks some deals were reset... ie Frank is now only $250. Can't find any new deals though....
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Found a deal on these, 90% off, and free shipping


But I already have a few in my closet, so I passed. ;P
swabie2424 said:
Hey, Irish, what time is the ND game? You know I'm an SC alum, right? I think we've discussed the "Bush Push" over on RS! I can't wait until we meet in the Coliseum this year. I hope SC is 10-0 and you still only have one loss. It's be a lot of fun again. I think SC is gonna lose to Cal and/or Oregon though.... they're just too young this year.

Hey man! Actually, kick-off is in 30 mins (12:00 Noon Eastern) so it's time for me to get off my Windows PDA and start having some fun. ;)

And as an ND alum, I agree that it's only good to see both ND and SC back in the hunt together every year. We are each others' fiercest rival, but there has always been a respect factor. I too want SC 10-0 and ND 10-1 when we meet up on 11/25. And I actually think SC puts it together in time for both Cal and Oregon. You can take them.
woke up just in time for lotr trivia before it closes.

iacon13 said:
OK Maybe its cause its early but I can't figure out the last clue...I thought it was the Lord of the Rings character but there is no product for her..little help thanks.
Also I am semi new to this board and by that I mean I have not spent much time here. I have been reading the posts and you guys seem really decent here so I will make sure I visit more often.

feel free to drop in the freaks chat room here:

help is always available there :)
Morning everyone!

Seems I woke up in time to turn in my trivia submission, too. Clues six and seven were easy as pie for the scavenger hunt. I own both those movies.

I see Frankie is still the banner's favorite. :rolleyes:

So that means I didn't miss much?
Man, for hearing all the "craziness" rumors from past years... I gotta say that there's been a ton of down time here. Spooktacular is fading a bit in my mind. I'm not complaining... I was just geared up for non-stop insanity!

I've been told that Tuesday will be awesome though. Hopefully true.
I wasn't here for 2004, but I am told it was non stop fun and prizes.
2005 was slower and not as exciting. I am afraid that 2006 will be
just the same as 2005 or slower. So far I am not even having the fun
I had last year. Not enough banners and not enough contests.
Didn't we have chat all spooktacular long and not just one day?
From a newbie's POV... this would have been better as a more intense thing over 3 days... rather than over 5 days. Maybe not as many of each prize... but more of them, more often. And yeah... I'm surprised there's only been a few contests so far.

It's still fun though! :D
i vaguely recall someone who mentioned he was hoping to get the london after midnight. but cant remember what version though...