the OFFICIALLY sanctioned Spooktacular thread! All other threads bow before me!

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SideshowDusty said:
A few people added an extra space at the beginning of the code by accident, perhaps you were one of them. make sure NOT to enter any extra spaces, at the beginning or the end (sometimes that can accidentally happen when copy/pasting) :duff

a few also left the second n out ...idiots :monkey4 lol
rotwang said:
Because in german Germany is called DEutschland :lol

Well then, that makes perfect sense ;) I only took French and Latin, no German for me! I learn something new every day on this board :chew
SideshowDusty said:
Well then, that makes perfect sense ;) I only took French and Latin, no German for me! I learn something new every day on this board :chew
I took Latin. I always found it funny that my Latin book in school actually had a Latin word for Werewolf.
If you win a daily prize you can now only win the scavenger hunt or one of the picture contests.
nash said:
so i cant win any more contests then? :confused:

I would be interested to know that as well. I think at SDCC it was once per day, but not sure about this.
Kookie said:
If you win a daily prize you can now only win the scavenger hunt or one of the picture contests.

Dusty can you verify this?
Holy crud! I won. Can't believe it since I flubbered about like crazy with the form. Forgot to cut and paste. Had to go back. Then butchered the address fields by mistyping things.

But I have now conquered a Spooktacular contest! Mwahahahahaha!

USC is lsing 30-10! Oh God... the dreaded loss! It was only a matter of time!
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nash said:
Dusty can you verify this?

It's on the contest winners page, and has been the whole time:

Honestly, there are SO MANY people competing this year (hundreds so far in each contest) that the odds are you would only win one anyway... so I would be happy that you won anything at all, because hundreds of other people won't :duff (Every year that it gets more and more popular, it's only natural that odds of winning go down.)

Plus, there's still the grand-daddy contests: Scavenger Hunt AP Vampyre PF and Carving Contest Pumpkin Head maquette!

Oh, and before anyone asks, this DOES NOT include free items that you find through the banners. Those are just 'free sales' not contests. :)
Can we enter again and win, and pick the one we want and default on the other?? Don't get me wrong, I love the prizes, but love participating in the contests too!!!