the OFFICIALLY sanctioned Spooktacular thread! All other threads bow before me!

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What time does Spooktacular end on Tuesday? Is it until 11:59? Or is it sometime during the day? I imagine they're aware that most people have parties to go to... or trick-or-treating to attend to with the little ones (which is the case for me.)
Dusty said to put no spaces betwen the words when we enter them, right? So would it be like this (Just a sample - not atcual clues below):


Or is it

So I am trying to submit a photo to sideshow's site for teh pumpkin contest and keep getting this error:

Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/home/sites/ on line 128

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/home/sites/ on line 129

There was a problem submitting your photo
We were unable to accept your photo at this time. Please try again.

Anyone else having problems?

Chris, Dusty?

swabie2424 said:
Dusty said to put no spaces betwen the words when we enter them, right? So would it be like this (Just a sample - not atcual clues below):


Or is it

I think last year it had a box for every word.
Hey Austin - Don't tell me it's a sucky SW pumpkin!!!


GrueSam said:
:mwaha No kidding!

You know what happened to me last year was that, for some reason, the site would not accept my completed form! Killed me! :slap

Probably had to do with extra blank spaces or one wrong character. When people get in a big rush it's hard to remember not to add a stray space at the end of the word (since we normally hit the space bar after typing a word, or spell 'the' like 'teh' ;) )

Even though it's a race, here's my tip: double check your work before entering the words into the form. :duff (word, tab, word, tab, word, tab... etc - NO SPACES :))
Darth Rage said:
So I am trying to submit a photo to sideshow's site for teh pumpkin contest and keep getting this error:

Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/home/sites/ on line 128

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/home/sites/ on line 129

There was a problem submitting your photo
We were unable to accept your photo at this time. Please try again.

Anyone else having problems?

Chris, Dusty?


Make sure your photo is not over 2MB in size! :monkey3
Darth Rage said:
So I am trying to submit a photo to sideshow's site for teh pumpkin contest and keep getting this error:

Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/home/sites/ on line 128

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /usr/home/sites/ on line 129

There was a problem submitting your photo
We were unable to accept your photo at this time. Please try again.

Anyone else having problems?

Chris, Dusty?


I'm not the right person to ask, but I will forward it to Marc and see what he says. All I can say right now is make sure you follow all the directions on the submission form. Is it a jpg file?
GrueSam said:
Yes, and there cannot be a space in front of the answer. It won't go be acknowledged by the computer, or something.

Correct - neither a space in front, nor a space behind. The entry form is automatic based on characters entered. Spaces count as characters in a computer's mind (any keystroke is a character, even if you can't see it).

See, aren't you glad you're a member of the Freak's board - you're always a step before the rest :)
Fubeca said:
Dusty can we use gift cards on discounted spooktacluar items?

All I know is that you can use a gift card on anything that the system lets you use it on... enter it, and see what happens! From looking over the past comments it seems that some products allow you to, and some don't. All you can do is try! :duff
Fubeca said:
Dusty can we use gift cards on discounted spooktacluar items?

Not to answer for Dusty but I used my SDCC Card on the PF Dracs and it worked. But he was one of the "valid" card items. Dropped the price even more, which was sweet!:chew