Darren Carnall said:
as for which Anakin is better? I'm sorry... but I have to give it to the Korean one over my custom sculpt, easily... that Anakin is just amazing, in so many respects. (but trust me... I'm flattered beyond words that so many of you are saying the opposite)
dude....are you serious? yes, vancei's custom is nice, but come on! don't sell yourself short man. trying to sound as nice as i can...YOUR RESCULPT LOOKS LIKE THE FRIGGIN ACTOR.
granted, you didn't sculpt anakin yourself and you retooled it from andy's original, but one thing you must realize...it takes an artist with a keen eye like yourself to do what you did. i mean, you think it's easy to do what you do? well, i'm not saying it's easy to begin with, but it takes more than looking at pictures and shaving the toy to make it look like hayden. andy does nice work, but if he's sooooo godly, why couldn't his sculpt look like your retool in the beginning. so what does that mean? it means you as an artist are gifted. you're able to see something other sculptors couldn't see.
i'm not trying to stroke your ego man so you can knock a couple bucks off your items. i can't, seeing as how i paid you already lol. seriously though, i'm giving credit where credit is due. andy did a nice job, but you took it to another level. without a doubt in my mind, if and when you begin to sculpt your original work, it will be amazing. vanceis anakin is nice because everything was built from scratch. outfit, lightsaber, head. personally, i take headsculpt over outfit any day. and yours takes the cake.
speaking as an artist myself, i know how you feel. and THANK GOD you're modest. but for real bro, stop knocking your work.
once again, can't wait for anakin...and...dare i say it...legolas.