I still maintain to this day that Predator 2 is a great film. Could some ideas and concepts introduced in the film have been executed better? Sure, but I still love the film we got. The concrete jungle scenario is awesome, the "gang war" turmoil back-drop is great, and the plot points of the a secret government agency tracking down the Pred throghout history and trying to capture one, but failing everytime is great.
Plus, it introduced so many awesome weapons, and the concept of the Predator Clans/Clan ships. And yet again, Kevin Peter Hall delivers a stellar performance, and this City Hunter acts and moves and feels different than the Jungle Hunter.
Whereas the Jungle hunter was much more deliberate and cunning, stalking and picking off targets from afar and outflanking and out-thinking his prey, the City Hunter is more agressive in his hunting, throwing himself into the thick of the action, slaughtering with his spear and disk, getting up close to most of his prey. Where Anytimes fatal flaw was his arrogance and cockyness, the City Hunter's flaw is his tenaciousness, his getting right and up-close into the action against high numbers of oppopnents, and not retreating until it was too late was his downfall.
And then the Elder... man, the mannerisims with the hands, his swagger. Just by watching this creature your head fills with his history of hunts and conquests, his personality and character. You know in seconds of on-screen time that this is one bad mofo, and it is awesome.