In the end the Predator leaves, muttering to himself "these Easterns are crazy...".
For anyone who didn't get it:
The pred sees so much carnage he quits and becomes Buddhist: lol

In the end the Predator leaves, muttering to himself "these Easterns are crazy...".
For anyone who didn't get it:
Exactly, my first choice for the PvP movie would be 90s Somalia.Ive always wanted to see a pred in the middle east hunting.
The predators are used to the jungle so one time they are drawn to the highest combat area which happens to be in the desert.
The pred has to adapt to the new environment and learn how to not leave foot prints or how to hide in open spaces. Has to learn to move more carefully and use shadows to hide.
The pred also has a problem identifying who to hunt because he goes to an area where everyone that lives there is armed and combat never stops. Combat 24/7. He tries to hunt but the soldiers wont stop fighting. Day or night. Constant war. there are even drone strikes.
The place is so chaotic that the pred cant attack without avoid everyone seeing him.
Would be cool to see how a pred hunts in a place where people are never alone and combat never stops and all the civilians are armed and he loses the element of surprise.
Last idea i was thinking would be a predator movie in the style of i am legend with the pred in the role of will smith (and a little bit of mad max)
So the world finally goes to nuclear war. Countries blow up everything.
Now the world is kinda like the walking dead
A pred lands hoping for a hunt but finds the world destroyed. No clean water, no animals, everything is ashes, buildings are rubble. Jungle is burned. He goes to the city.
The first 30 minutes we see the pred not understanding where is everyone or what happened.
There are zones with radiation so we see the preds computer warning him.
Theres no water so the pred has to find a clean source. There are some animals around so the pred hunts a tiger for food.
The pred is curious and wanders around but starts to get bored and frustrated. Might go back to his ship.
The pred hears weird noises at night and sees shadows at night but cant make out what they are. Creepy things move too fast.
There are real people still alive but they live underground,
they live underground because some of the early humans have mutated into weird fanged creatures with glowing eyes that can see in the dark and they can now walk on walls and jump really high, they spit poison.
These mutants only come out at night and move fast. Humans could not kill them so they choose to hide.
The pred does finally find the human hide out and kills a couple of guards in the entrance and hides in the pipes
The humans think that the mutants found them and run,
So then the movie is the humans running from the mutants and the predator realizing the mutants exist and the predator sees the mutants as more of a challenge so he completely ignores the humans and focuses on the mutants.
Mutants just want to kill the humans but they notice the pred. They will kill him as well if they can catch him.
Predator only cares about these new mutans now so he stalks the humans but doesnt kill them. Just always follows them but makes sure the humans cant see him.
He does make the humans slower by stealing their supplies.
He also leaves bait for the mutants. He doesnt care if people die but he needs the humans in order to be able to see the mutants since they move too fast.
He cant hunt them without the humans as bait.
Humans have guns but cant fight the mutants. They just want to find a new hiding place.
Predator: the Chernobyl diaries![]()
Ive always wanted to see a pred in the middle east hunting.
The predators are used to the jungle so one time they are drawn to the highest combat area which happens to be in the desert.
The pred has to adapt to the new environment and learn how to not leave foot prints or how to hide in open spaces. Has to learn to move more carefully and use shadows to hide.
The pred also has a problem identifying who to hunt because he goes to an area where everyone that lives there is armed and combat never stops. Combat 24/7. He tries to hunt but the soldiers wont stop fighting. Day or night. Constant war. there are even drone strikes.
The place is so chaotic that the pred cant attack without avoid everyone seeing him.
Would be cool to see how a pred hunts in a place where people are never alone and combat never stops and all the civilians are armed and he loses the element of surprise.
Ive always wanted to see a pred in the middle east hunting.
The predators are used to the jungle so one time they are drawn to the highest combat area which happens to be in the desert.
The pred has to adapt to the new environment and learn how to not leave foot prints or how to hide in open spaces. Has to learn to move more carefully and use shadows to hide.
The pred also has a problem identifying who to hunt because he goes to an area where everyone that lives there is armed and combat never stops. Combat 24/7. He tries to hunt but the soldiers wont stop fighting. Day or night. Constant war. there are even drone strikes.
The place is so chaotic that the pred cant attack without avoid everyone seeing him.
Would be cool to see how a pred hunts in a place where people are never alone and combat never stops and all the civilians are armed and he loses the element of surprise.
The thing about fan ideas is that's all they are, stuff made up inside a fans head.
Imagine if your idea was an official synopsis from a studio and director. The hate would flow through the fanbase.![]()
Sounds good. Though I have a theory that desert environments are not big draws with an audience. I came up with the conclusion after watching John Carter which I think despite having kitsch, a wooden cigar store Indian as it's lead actor was a pretty fun movie that just did very poorly at the box office. I think given a choice of vacationing on a desert planet or a lush tropical jungle planet, people would choose to go to the jungle. A desert environment could work but you'd need one hell of a location scout and director of photography to make it work.
I just want to see more of that Pred world we saw in AvPR dammit. The possibilities with crazy ass beasts and monsters on that planet would be endless. Add a "Machiko" plot to it on the planet as well and there you have the human element I keep reading about in here.
I just want to see more of that Pred world we saw in AvPR dammit. The possibilities with crazy ass beasts and monsters on that planet would be endless. Add a "Machiko" plot to it on the planet as well and there you have the human element I keep reading about in here.
It would be like black hawk down or 13 hours or something.
Make it look like a full war movie, that could do well.
John carter failed because it was fantasy and marketed badly. People didnt know what to expect.
If there are crazy ass beasts and monsters on the Predator home planet then why do they fly across the galaxy to hunt wimpy humans? That'd be like a hunter who lives in Africa flying to the US to hunt rabbits.
It's like, why do they bother with humams if they have xenomorph aliens
I just want to see more of that Pred world we saw in AvPR dammit. The possibilities with crazy ass beasts and monsters on that planet would be endless. Add a "Machiko" plot to it on the planet as well and there you have the human element I keep reading about in here.
I would like that. Maybe with a human that wakes up there and manages to break free of their cage and is now on the run from some unseen hunters and trying to survive wild alien beasts. When he/she arms themselves, then it's really on. Though that seems a bit too much like Predators, it would be forgiven if they give it a truly alien world feel like Avatar.
This.Exactly. Which is why expanding on their society/world is probably better left to the imagination.
Your idead was awsome crows.